Girl Flees McDonalds’s Bathroom Crying, Then Mom Sees Something on Her Leg

Girl Flees McDonalds’s Bathroom Crying, Then Mom Sees Something on Her Leg
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

When Nicole Langmead’s 4-year-old daughter Kaya was brave enough to ask if she could use a public bathroom on her own, Nicole was proud. The family was enjoying a New Year’s Eve meal at a McDonald’s on Exeter High Street, Devon, and Nicole had no reason to be worried. She said yes; she would wait outside.

Describing what happened next as “every mother’s worst nightmare,” Nicole had no idea what her young daughter was in for.

Nicole, 27, told the Daily Star, “We had just ordered the food when Kaya said she wanted to use the toilet. I was waiting outside the toilets with my two daughters for quite a long time. We were just about to give up,” she continued, “when these two girls came out of the bathroom, laughing.”

Nicole was not suspicious, however. She let Kaya enter the bathroom on her own, but after a few minutes, the little girl re-emerged in floods of tears. “She said something had hurt her bum,” Nicole explained, “but it never crossed my mind it would be glue.”

Illustration - Shutterstock | <a href="">Photos by D</a>
Illustration - Shutterstock | Photos by D

In a cruel and senseless prank, the two girls who had used the bathroom ahead of Kaya had spread superglue all over the toilet seat.

“Mom let me go to the toilet like a big girl,” Kaya spoke to the camera in a video posted by the Daily Mail. “Two girls came out and then there was superglue on the toilet seat and it hurt my hands and my bum. I didn’t even know that [it was there].” The sweet girl told her mom immediately, and Nicole sprang into action, alerting restaurant staff, who in turn alerted the police.
Illustration -  Shutterstock | <a href="">Colaboyshot</a>
Illustration -  Shutterstock | Colaboyshot

Nicole, who lives in the city, shared her daughter’s shocking ordeal in greater detail. “I thought maybe the seat had moved or something,” she said, “but when we checked it over there was glue everywhere.” Nicole checked Kaya’s body to see how badly she was injured. “She was left in tears,” Nicole recalled, “and the skin was ripped off the back of her legs.”

Mercifully, McDonald’s staff took the incident very seriously, immediately filing an incident report and even giving Kaya a balloon to comfort her. They were “really good,” Nicole said.

Local police were quickly able to identify the “pranksters” from McDonald’s CCTV footage, and The Mirror reported that two teenage girls were later tracked down. “To the two young blonde girls,” Nicole shared on Facebook, as reported by Metro, “I just want you to know that I am still having to console my four-year-old daughter who was unfortunate enough to use the toilet after your little prank.”
With both mom and daughter’s hurt so transparent in Nicole’s heartfelt message, perhaps the girls were able to see the error of their ways. A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesman said that “the two girls immediately accepted what they had done, were sorry, and have apologized to the victim’s mother for the upset caused to her and her daughter.”

Nobody deserved to be on the receiving end of such a cruel trick, least of all an innocent 4-year-old. But Kaya’s takeaway was a positive one. “You were really brave, weren’t you?” Nicole asked her daughter. Kaya nodded proudly.

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