With its sweet-tart flavor and spicy edge, this ginger kombucha recipe is always a favorite. It’s easy to make and adds a little life to your homemade kombucha. It’s similar in flavor to classic ginger beer—only with a decidedly tart finish. To make this, you’ll need to start with 12 cups of freshly brewed basic kombucha tea.
Makes about 3 quarts (12 servings)
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup honey
- 6 ounces fresh ginger, finely chopped
- 12 cups prepared kombucha tea
Let the syrup cool to room temperature, and then strain, discarding the spent ginger solids.
Stir the ginger syrup and the prepared kombucha together in a large jar or pitcher.
Pour into flip-top bottles, close the bottles tightly, and allow the kombucha to ferment for 2 days at room temperature.
Transfer to the fridge for 2 days to allow the bubbles to set before opening. Enjoy within 6 months.

Jennifer McGruther