Get Smart — Similar-Sounding Occupations You Don’t Want to Mix Up

Know the difference between astrologer and astronomer? How about psychologist and psychiatrist?
Get Smart — Similar-Sounding Occupations You Don’t Want to Mix Up
Astrologers and astronomers both gaze at the stars, but can you tell them apart? EpochTimes from Shutterstock*

You know a friend working at a space observatory—but imply instead that he gazes into crystal balls for a living. Or mistakenly suggest that your kid be the sort of doctor that studies the nature of matter—rather than finding out what’s the matter with patients.

Check out this list to avoid incredulous looks and other awkward conversation moments.


1) Astrologist vs Astronomer


(Image of stargazing via Shutterstock)

Both occupations involve the study of celestial bodies, as suggested by their ‘astro’ prefix.

Astrologists reveal how the position of stars affect your love life, fortunes and other earthly affairs.

Astronomers, however, are more interested in a scientific (theoretical or observational) study of the origins and physical properties of stars, as well as their motion in space.

Still confused? Equipment, equipment, equipment. Astrologers consult horoscopes and crystal balls, while astronomers tote star charts and telescopes.


2) Geologist vs Geographer


Which “geo” should study this scene? (Scenic view image via Shutterstock)

We return from space with these two ‘geo’ (earth) occupations.

To understand the physical composition of Earth, for example mud, rock, water, and oil—ask a geologist.

To understand how humans interact with Earth, for example human’s biological, social, and environmental impact on nature—ask a geographer.

Still confused? The University of California Santa Barbara Department of Geography has a good analogy: “Geology is to geography what natural history is to history.”


3) Hematologist vs Hepatologist


Know your medical specialist (Clinicians image via Shutterstock)

The difference in a single syllable differentiates a medical specialist who deals with blood related issues (hematologist) and one who handles a specific range—affecting the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and biliary tree—of digestive system maladies (hepatologist).

Still confused? Alcoholics and hePatitis sufferers consult hePatologists, while heMophiliacs consult heMatologists.


4) Histologist vs Historian


“Tissues? No, I don’t have any.” (Academic image via Shutterstock)

Academic historians debate endlessly about what history is, but won’t disagree that their discipline at its most basic is a study of the past.

The histologist’s job is more clearly defined—they study the microscopic structures of animal and plant tissues and cells.

Still Confused? The ‘histo’ prefix in both words may confuse—if it was actually a “prefix” for both. The ‘histo’ in histologist stems from the Greek word for tissue. The prefix for historian is really ‘historia’, which is Greek for ‘finding out, narrative, history.’


5) Oncologist vs Ontologist


What sort of scientist or doctor will you kid aspire to be? (Kid Scientist image via Shutterstock)

Yet another word makes a world of difference between these two occupations.

Oncologists are medical professionals that specialize in cancer and its treatment.

Though not recommended by this writer, cancer patients suffering from existential angst might pepper an ontologist, who studies the nature of being and existence, with philosophical life questions. Hmmm.

Still Confused? OnCologists treat Cancer. OnTologist study the meTaphysical nature of being.


6) Orthopedician vs Orthodontist


(Braces image via Shutterstock)

Have bones to set? You might want to consult your orthopedician, who specializes in musculoskeletal issues, prevention, and treatment.

Don’t look for your orthopedician to set your teeth, however. For that, see an orthodontist, a dentist with advanced training in treating misaligned teeth.

Still Confused? Just think “OrthodEntist” and you should be fine.


7) Philosopher vs Philologist


(Aristotle image via Shutterstock)

The philosopher and the philologist both pore and ponder over texts, but differ in what they want to get out of them.

Philosophers read what other scholars before them have to say about the nature of knowledge, logic and existence, before coming up with their own philosophies.

On the other hand, philologists examine texts to better understand how language develops and changes over time.

Still Confused? Philosophers are interested in ideas, while philologist seek to understand language.  


8) Physician vs Physicist


Those stethoscopes are a dead give-away. (Physician image via Shutterstock)

The physician has a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and well, practices medicine.

A physicist might have a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or not, and practices the discipline of physics.

Still Confused? The physician is definitely a doctor, while the physicist might have a doctorate.


9) Psychologist vs Psychiatrist


(Therapist image via Shutterstock)

These two professions are probably the toughest to differentiate. It doesn’t help that you can call either a “therapist” and that both deal in some way with mental health.

Like the Physician vs Physicist case, the best way to tell either apart is by the type of degree they hold. Psychologists pursue a Ph.D in Psychology, while psychiatrist are medical doctors.

Still Confused? Try checking out those framed degrees on the walls at the psychologists/psychiatrist. If all else fails, the one who prescribes medicine is definitely a psychiatrist.


 *Image of stargazing and constellation via Shutterstock

Larry Ong
Larry Ong
Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.
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