First Lady Melania Is Never Too Busy with State Affairs to Stop Being a Super Mom!

First Lady Melania Is Never Too Busy with State Affairs to Stop Being a Super Mom!
(Getty Images | Gustavo Caballero)

Melania Trump is a powerhouse.

But rumor has it she is also a very protective mom and spends a huge amount of time with her young son, Barron (12). Barron is purportedly one of the wealthiest children in the world, but Melania is concerned to keep him humble. Her parenting regime includes a consistent focus on education, and a determination to keep Barron from the trappings of wealth and life on the political front line.

Speaking to the Washington Post, a longtime acquaintance described Melania: “She’s a fierce wife and mother, a protective mother.”
©Getty Images | <a href="">Gustavo Caballero</a>
©Getty Images | Gustavo Caballero

So, how does she do it?

Melania’s love for her son Barron, born in 2006, was instant, and unconditional. “It’s a miracle almost, I could say, that two people can create,” Melania told the Palm Beach Daily News. “It’s very, very special.”

The First Lady’s desire to keep her son away from the bustle of business matters began when Donald Trump was elected president. Melania insisted that Barron would not move to the White House immediately; he was to finish up the school year in New York City. Barron has never had a nanny, either. Melania has chosen to be her beloved son’s main point of contact during the most foundational parts of his day. The school run, for example. Kudos to you, Melania!

©Getty Images | <a href="">Chip Somodevilla</a>
©Getty Images | Chip Somodevilla
With co-parenting a little out of the question, Melania has ensured that husband Donald Trump’s necessary absences have not damaged her young son. “It’s very important to know the person you’re with. And we know our roles,” Melania stated.
And the mom is determined to be a nurturing influence. Barron is certainly allowed to make mistakes, for one, a fact that may surprise some parents and many readers. “I want him to grow to be his own person,” Melania insisted. “I think it is important to give a child room to make mistakes ... Let them fall once in a while. When they do they will learn how to pick themselves up.”

A commendable approach to parenting, and a confident one.

Melania with Barron as a baby (©Getty Images | <a href="">Peter Kramer</a>)
Melania with Barron as a baby (©Getty Images | Peter Kramer)
Sources suggest that the open-minded mom has never stopped her creative son from drawing on the walls in his playroom, either. Perhaps young Barron is brimming with ideas for future projects? Another business mogul in the making?

Perhaps. Young Barron would fare well in international business as he can speak three languages: Slovenian (his mother’s first language), English, and French. Melania took the time to teach him his first, and secondary, languages from the tender age of 3.

Was she always so conscientious?

Actions speak louder than words, and before Melania became a parent herself, she was actively involved in several charities for children.

©Getty Images | <a href="">Aurelien Meunier</a>
©Getty Images | Aurelien Meunier

Melania was the face of The National Child Abuse Prevention Month in 2008. She was an honorary chairman for the Boys Club of New York for almost five years. And she has been photographed visiting young in-patients at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Ohio. Clearly, children are very close to her heart.

Melania is no stranger to the old adage “Take care of yourself before you take care of others,” though. As such, she is careful to maintain a balance between work, parenting, and her personal life.

©Getty Images | <a href="">Chris Jackson</a>
©Getty Images | Chris Jackson
The First Lady is a role-model of the finest order. Businesswoman, devoted wife, and protective mother to boot. Melania, we salute you. As her role in the White House continues to grow, will Melania become mom-in-chief, or keep her focused narrowed on her family?
We can’t wait to see what sort of man young Barron turns out to be. He has had a privileged start in life, in no small part owing to the love, care, and diligence of his wonderful mom!

What do you think of model mom Melania’s parenting strategy? Let us know in the comments section!
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