Expert on Inflammation Offers Tips for How to Naturally Alleviate Chronic Pain

Dr. Vijay Vad breaks down why inflammation can lead to chronic pain, and how we can use diet, exercise, and natural remedies to combat it.
Expert on Inflammation Offers Tips for How to Naturally Alleviate Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be managed with natural remedies. Andrea Piacquadio/ Pixel

With a background in sports medicine, Dr. Vijay Vad counts many professional athletes among his clients and once served as the physician for a professional men’s tennis circuit, the PGA Tour, and more. But his integrative medicine approach has been sought after beyond the sports realm. He’s made national television specials on arthritis and back pain, and authored several bestselling books. We asked for his tips on using diet, exercise, and other natural remedies to combat pain.

Dr. Vijay Vad specializes in minimally invasive treatments for sports injuries, knee arthritis, and back pain. (William Cahill)
Dr. Vijay Vad specializes in minimally invasive treatments for sports injuries, knee arthritis, and back pain. William Cahill

American Essence: What are the most common types of inflammatory-related chronic pain conditions that you see in your practice?

Dr. Vijay Vad: I often encounter two types of chronic pain conditions caused by inflammation. Sciatica, typically stemming from disc herniation, is a prevalent issue where the leaking of fluid from the disc leads to nerve inflammation. Additionally, joint inflammation due to osteoarthritis is a common source of chronic pain.

AE: Can you explain the connection between inflammation and chronic pain in simple terms?

Dr. Vad: Inflammation plays a key role in chronic pain by making nerves more sensitive. When nerves are inflamed, even small amounts of pressure can cause a lot of pain compared to when the nerves are healthy. So the goal of integrative treatments is to reduce inflammation without relying too much on cortisone and anti-inflammatory drugs, both of which have negative side effects.

AE: What are some natural foods that you recommend to patients for reducing inflammation and pain?

Dr. Vad: Minimize your intake of processed sugar and fatty meats. Maximize your intake of antioxidant-rich berries, healthy oils such as olive oil, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish or almonds.

(dhanya purohit/ Unsplash)
dhanya purohit/ Unsplash

AE: Could you provide a sample meal plan for someone looking to manage chronic pain through their diet?

Dr. Vad: For an ideal meal plan to manage chronic pain, consider starting the day with blueberries and black coffee. For lunch, opt for a salad, and for dinner, try quinoa with beans or fish cooked in olive oil. Eat breakfast like a pauper and lunch and dinner like a prince or princess. In a world where we don’t do 8 to 10 hours of manual labor, eating breakfast like a king will actually spike insulin levels all day, leading to weight gain.

AE: Are there supplements that you believe are particularly helpful for managing inflammation and pain?

Dr. Vad: Highly absorbable curcumin, quercetin, and vitamin D3 are my favorites for managing inflammation and pain. Omega-3’s with high EPA and DHA (the fatty acids in Omega-3’s that contain nutrients) algae are also great.

AE: What types of exercise do you recommend for patients with inflammatory conditions?

Dr. Vad: Gentle strength training, but the key is aerobic exercise, ideally 30 minutes daily. Walking is ideal as it is weight-bearing, but if it’s not feasible, consider using a stationary bike.

(Jenny Hill/ Unsplash)
Jenny Hill/ Unsplash

AE: Are there any natural pain relief remedies, such as topical creams or herbal supplements, that you recommend to your patients?

Dr. Vad: Curcumin is proven to reduce arthritis pain. I also believe in natural topicals like arnica, white curcumin, and CBD for pain relief. A CBD oral supplement trial I conducted on former NFL players with back pain showed promising results.

AE: What are some common misconceptions or myths about managing chronic pain with natural remedies?

Dr. Vad: One common misconception is that natural remedies are bogus. While there are many scams in the natural remedies world, there are some great natural remedies out there. Make sure you buy from respected manufacturers and, ideally, those that test their natural remedies for purity. An integrative approach that includes exercise, natural remedies, and mind-body therapies such as deep breathing can have a substantial positive impact on managing chronic pain.

This article was originally published in American Essence magazine.