Enraged Mountain Lion Caught in Hunter’s Trap Hisses as He Tries to Free Ferocious Feline

Enraged Mountain Lion Caught in Hunter’s Trap Hisses as He Tries to Free Ferocious Feline
Epoch Inspired Staff

In a frightening video published online, a hunter in Helper, Utah, got more than he bargained for after setting up a trap in the wilderness to catch coyotes and bobcats.

He checked his trap and came face to face with a much larger animal: a huge mountain lion.

He films the encounter as he prepares to attempt to release the huge cat. He sets up his camera and, armed with a pole snare, ever so carefully approaches the animal lying on the ground amidst the bushes.


As he closes in, the ferocious mountain lion hisses and snarls loudly and tugs at the trap.

The hunter has to be careful as this ferocious cat can do some real damage to a human. He inches closer and leans in with a pole snare while keeping his distance.

He is confident and very cautious.

After several failed attempts, trying to snare the mountain lion without success, the hunter at last gets the loop around its neck and tightens it, and the animal flails and thrashes about wildly. But it’s no use. Soon, the hunter has the animal pinned down on the ground with his pole.

But it’s not over yet.

He still has to open up the trap without getting mauled in the process.


Keeping the cat away holding the pole in one hand, he reaches down toward the trap with his other.

It’s a precarious situation, but he manages to control the huge beast. After he fidgets with the mechanism, the trap is released, the animal pulls free, and the hunter releases the snare.



“You’re on your way,” he utters to the mountain lion.

Unharmed, he steps away from the dangerous animal. And the mountain lion, angry and terrified, dashes into the bushes.

The hunter’s incredible footage was published online in December 2018.

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Epoch Inspired Staff
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