Album Review: Emika - ‘Emika’

Originally hailing from Berlin, Emika is now based in Bristol and here displays her sweet angelic vocals juxtaposed with some of the darkest beats out there.
Album Review: Emika - ‘Emika’
Emika-Emika (Ninja Tune)

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Emika-Emika (Ninja Tune)" title="Emika-Emika (Ninja Tune)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-65601"/></a>
Emika-Emika (Ninja Tune)
Originally hailing from Berlin, Emika is now based in Bristol and here displays her sweet angelic vocals juxtaposed with some of the darkest beats out there. Her sound is techno influenced but combined with the gargantuan dubstep bass Bristol is known for. Think bass pioneer Pinch, but with a direct link back to Portishead, all held together by Emika’s musicality (she is a classically trained pianist). ‘Pretend’ exemplifies the menacing tone, while ‘FM Attention’ displays a fidgety, glitchy production reminiscent of Aphex Twin. Make no mistake this is an intense album, but it has a sincere beauty. Emika deserves mainstream respect.

[etRating value=“ 4”]