Drama Teacher: ‘I was blown away by their precision’

Shen Yun Performing Arts company delighted the audience at the Bell Auditorium in Augusta on Dec. 19.
Drama Teacher: ‘I was blown away by their precision’

AUGUSTA, Ga.—The New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts company delighted the audience at the Bell Auditorium in Augusta on Dec. 19. The debut of its 2010 World Tour showcased new performances of song, orchestral music, and dance.

Mr. Dennis, a drama teacher from a local school of the arts, was absolutely delighted by the experience. He was very much aware of the dedication and skill required to achieve this level of performance.

“I was blown away by their precision. Their timing was fantastic. It was really a pleasure to watch—the synchronicity.

“It was really amazing—a really great show! I liked the lanterns. I thought that was visually impressive.”

Mr. Dennis was particularly appreciative of the dance Wu Song Battles the Tiger. He said, “The drunken master—that was wonderful. That was amazing, watching him going to the forest and taking the tiger down.”

Also in tonight’s audience was a retiree, Mr. Davis, who was enchanted by the program.

“It’s perhaps one of the most spiritually beautiful programs I have ever experienced in my life. … I’ve never seen anything any better than tonight—beautiful!

“The singing—the voices are incredible, and the dancing is just out-of-this-world. … It is very beautiful,” he said.

With reporting by NTDTV.

For more informationPlease visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org 

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