DPA Transcends Language Barriers

Divine Performing Arts [DPA] 2009 World Tour came to a close on Feb. 25 at Antwerpen’s famous musical theater, Stadsschouwburg, in the city’s center.
DPA Transcends Language Barriers

ANTWERPEN, Belgium—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) 2009 World Tour came to a close on Feb. 25 at Antwerpen’s famous musical theater, Stadsschouwburg, in the city’s center.

A theater staff member, Mr. van Heule, particularly enjoyed the rich, powerful voice of tenor Hong Ming.

“I really liked it, because I thought it resembled Italian opera singing. Both languages I don’t understand, but they resemble each other, so I liked that because I like Italian opera very much. He’s very good, a very powerful voice.”

Mr. Hong was designated a “National First-Class Performer in his native country of China.” He has won awards in more than 30 vocal competitions and on more than 10 occasions he has sung before foreign dignitaries, and performed often in Switzerland and Japan.

In 2008, Hong Ming took first place at NTDTV’s International Chinese Vocal Competition, and has performed with DPA on tour and in its Holiday Wonders production since 2008.

The show featuring world-class performers also attracted company owners Mr. Melis and his wife, Ms. Hendricks, their daughter Carol and her two children 7-year-old Shirley, and 5-year-old Elroy.

“Very nice clothes, very beautiful, beautiful...” said Ms. Hendricks. The family is from the Netherlands and spoke mostly Dutch, and the excitement in their voices was clear.

“It’s nice. So many short stories and easy to follow what they mean. I learned a lot about Chinese history,” said Mr. Hendricks.

His wife said, “aAso the Buddhas ...ja, ja [yes, yes].”

Her daughter, Carol added, “It’s the wisdom behind it [in story-based dance.]”

Story-based dance is one of DPA trademarks, ancient legends of heroism and modern day stories of immense courage played out by gorgeously costumed dancers, spectacular backdrops, thunderous drum rhythms, and a full orchestra.

“It’s very interesting—also for the children,” Carol added.

Ms. Hendricks explained that her granddaughter liked a certain program the most. In her mother tongue, she referred to the heartfelt dance, Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, a story of a young girl whose father is persecuted for practicing Falun Dafa, a traditional spiritual discipline banned today in China.

The story bespeaks of a long-standing Chinese belief that good is rewarded and evil punished. Many audience members have been reduced to tears, touched by the suffering of an innocent family portrayed by the artists.

“The show is beautiful, and oh, so nice. All beautiful, the colors and everything,” Ms. Hendricks said.

That has been the overwhelming response wherever DPA has performed since starting their 2009 World Tour in December with spontaneous applause, standing ovations, and curtain calls

For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org

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