Federal Commission Vice Chairman: DPA Brings a Brighter Future

“The performance was really astounding, very impressive.”
Federal Commission Vice Chairman: DPA Brings a Brighter Future
Syu Chenron (R), vice chairman of Taiwan’s Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, his wife (C), and his mother-in-law (L). Tang Bin/The Epoch Times
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/syucommisionvice_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/syucommisionvice_medium.jpg" alt="Syu Chenron (R), vice chairman of Taiwan's Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, his wife (C), and his mother-in-law (L). (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" title="Syu Chenron (R), vice chairman of Taiwan's Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, his wife (C), and his mother-in-law (L). (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-64682"/></a>
Syu Chenron (R), vice chairman of Taiwan's Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, his wife (C), and his mother-in-law (L). (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—“Divine Performing Arts’ two and half hours seemed like a blink of an eye.”

Those words came from Syu Chenrung, vice chairman of Taiwan’s Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, after watching DPA’s sixth full-house show at Taipei International Convention Center on March 1.

“The performance was really astounding, very impressive. Other shows do not contain cultural meaning but only techniques. DPA has embedded China’s 5,000 years of rich culture in its show. After watching it, I feel that preservation of culture is a responsibility of every one of us.”

It was Mr. Syu’s first time watching the show. He praised the body language of DPA dancers and was touched by the dedication of the performers and choreographers. He said that DPA is the elite in arts’ circles.

“Relinquish evils and promote compassion are the ultimate purposes of life. The program Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution delineated unjust treatment and even persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I hope that the message of ‘good is ultimately rewarded and evil is punished’ can be passed on through DPA, particularly for the elected officials to realize and become more compassionate and caring for the people.”

As DPA is a world tour, Mr. Syu said that DPA plays a positive role in promoting Chinese culture to the world. He believes that DPA is bringing mankind a more compassionate and brighter future.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts. Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.