French Professor: ‘It overcomes the differences of cultures’

Professor Baldy mentioned that the program was “poetically set-up” and “kind of modern.”
French Professor: ‘It overcomes the differences of cultures’
The Epoch Times
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 (The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—Professor Baldy, visiting from France, was captured by the traditional Chinese palace and a graceful dancer on a poster on the street and decided to see the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Taipei on Feb. 25 with five others. The professor was moved by the show even though no word was said.

“The expression is theatric, and it’s a kind of code to express feelings,” he said.

Teaching information technology at the University of Tours, Mr. Baldy also has ties with a business school in Paris. He was visiting his daughter who is studying Chinese at Taiwan University. She, in turn, brought her friends from school to the show.

“Oh, it’s very interesting. I’m really enjoying myself, and at the same time, it’s modern. And you feel the roots of the Chinese culture during the show,” Mr. Baldy said.
Although this was the professor’s first visit to Taiwan, and his first time seeing this kind of performance, he was enjoying both the dance and music. He liked “The Mongolian Dance [Mongolian Chopsticks] and all of them.”

In particular, he noted Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, “Because it was a dramatic scene in a very short time.”

Heaven Awaits Us Despite the Persecution tells the poignant story of a father taken from a loving family for practising Falun Dafa, a spiritual path that suggests adherents to follow the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

Mr. Baldy mentioned that the program was “poetically designed” and “kind of modern.” In summary, he said, “I found it quite moving, in fact.

“I can say that it overcomes the differences in cultures. You don’t have to be Chinese or French or American or Latin American to understand this kind of expression. You see what I mean? Yes, so it’s brilliant.”

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