Professor of Fine Arts: ‘It is a great achievement of visual and auditory art, a feast.’

Praising the performance, he said, “It is a great achievement of visual and auditory art, a feast.”
Professor of Fine Arts: ‘It is a great achievement of visual and auditory art, a feast.’

TAIPEI, Taiwan—Wang Hsiu-hsiung, the Honorary Professor of the Institute of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University, watched the third show of Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in Taipei on Feb. 27 with friends. He said the performance was a “visual feast” for the eyes and ears.

He praised the backdrops as well. He said that the three dimensional backdrops were “dynamic, alive, and lively”, that is, figures could be seen coming down from the screen, manifesting on the stage as actual people. Also, the background depicts stones rolling down from a hill as well as other dynamic effects.

“They’re rich and variable, and the effects were good. The staff needn’t to spend time changing backdrops by hand as in traditional shows,” he said.

In addition, Mr. Wang said that DPA’s costumes were designed according to the story lines of the programs, saying they were “elegant” and fit in with the plot.

He mentioned that the choreography was very professional as well. Every movement was in keeping with the plot and the melodies. The male performers were masculine and the female were “graceful,” and they “represented the stories very well,” Mr. Wang concluded.

He thought that the most humorous piece was The Monkey King Triumphs. Since Taiwanese people are quite familiar with this story, he said that DPA interpreted the story very well When speaking about the story, he laughed happily. He appreciated the representation of the program.
The program, Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope impressed him the most.

Mr. Wang thought the program was very touching, saying, “The backdrop was good, the colors were gorgeous, the scenes were magnificent, and the effect of the performance was particularly outstanding.”

Praising the performance, he said, “It is a great achievement of visual and auditory art, a feast.”

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