Former Medical College President: ‘Maybe you can be saved by simply knowing the true picture’

Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University’s College of Medicine, saw DPA in Tainan.
Former Medical College President: ‘Maybe you can be saved by simply knowing the true picture’
Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University’s College of Medicine (The Epoch Times)
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University's College of Medicine (The Epoch Times)" title="Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University's College of Medicine (The Epoch Times)" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-64656"/></a>
Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University's College of Medicine (The Epoch Times)
TAINAN, Taiwan—Tainan Municipal Cultural Center was crowded by full-house audiences of five consecutive shows of Divine Performing Arts (DPA). At its fifth show on Feb. 22 evening, Cheng Cinghai, a retired renowned attorney in Taiwan, was stirred.

“The performance is extremely high leveled. It can genuinely move people. The dancers’ gestures are very soft and beautiful. I can see that they have very virtuous natures; only that way can they stage such a wonderful show.

“The filialness and loyalty were conveyed pretty clearly. [The show] is praiseworthy.”

Another audience member, Li Yician, former president of National Taiwan University’s College of Medicine, found the program Legend of the Brush to be particularly interesting.

“It’s interesting how the origins of paper and medicine are both legends. It seems that gods descended to the secular world to help mankind,” said Dr. Li, who was accompanied by his wife.

Dr. Li, currently a consultant for innovative technological research, interpreted the “true picture” in the last program, Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope.

“Knowing the truth is learning about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong or having knowledge of what Falun Gong is. There’s a connotation of salvation to the world in [the program.] Maybe you can be saved by simply knowing the true picture.”

Dr. Li described himself as a “curious man” for his mastering in genetic toxicology, medicine, and anticancer mechanism. As a Christian, he said that the lyrics of the songs are trying to wake people up. On watching DPA, he wants to learn more about the truth.

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