Erhu Teacher: ‘DPA’s show is very touching and marvelous.’

“However, in today’s show, I saw the strength and speed of the male performers. It’s really marvelous.”
Erhu Teacher: ‘DPA’s show is very touching and marvelous.’

TAINAN, Taiwan—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) has just had its third performance in Taiwan. Its artistic and cultural nature attracts many experts in the fields of culture, arts, and music. Many attend DPA’s show every year. Xie Peiying, an erhu teacher, is one of them.

Xie Peiying, is a student at the Institute of Ethnomusicology in Tainan National University of the Arts, has taught erhu for 10 years. She teaches erhu in Tainan University, Kun Shan University, and in elementary and junior high schools. She won the silver prize in a national erhu contest and has held four personal concerts.

Ms. Xie watched DPA’s final performance in Tainan on Feb. 23. Sharing her thoughts about the performance, she said, “I was very touched. The performance was very wonderful. It’s marvelous.”

She continued to say that people stereotype about dancing thinking it’s easier for female performers to win the audience’s favor because female look beautiful and graceful, “However, in today’s show, I saw the strength and speed of the male performers. It’s really marvelous.

“I think Mulan [Mulan Joins the Battle] is great—her dancing skill deeply impressed people.As to the songs, whether the powerful and resounding treble or the gentle low-pitched sound, both greatly attracted the audience.

“The Monkey King Triumphs was fun and interesting. Whether the story of Monk Ji Gong or that of Mulan, though they did not have dialogue, performers used their bodies, facial expression, actions, and dancing to pass the content of the stories to the audience, and it was expressed quite clearly.”

Last year, when she saw the program about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution on Falun Gong practitioners , she was quite moved. She tried to restrain her emotion before the show this year. “However, when I watched Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, I was still very moved. I think this program is really great! I like the little performer in the program very much. She’s got the effect of providing the finishing touch.”

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