Legislator: ‘Stories might purify the human heart’

“Especially,the performance of those legendary stories might purify the human heart.”
Legislator: ‘Stories might purify the human heart’
Legislator Jiang Lianfu watches the DPA show in Taichung on March 5, 2009, with his wife. (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/903060032571685--ss.jpg" alt="Legislator Jiang Lianfu watches the DPA show in Taichung on March 5, 2009, with his wife. (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)" title="Legislator Jiang Lianfu watches the DPA show in Taichung on March 5, 2009, with his wife. (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829814"/></a>
Legislator Jiang Lianfu watches the DPA show in Taichung on March 5, 2009, with his wife. (Li Yuan/The Epoch Times)

TAICHUNG, Taiwan—Cherishing the opportunity to see Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in Taiwan every year, Taichung County Legislator Jiang Lianfu, made it to the DPA show in Taichung on March 5, with his wife. After watching the show attentively, Mr. Jiang said that he was “deeply touched by the DPA’s presentation of traditional Chinese culture through this kind of performance.”

The legislator spoke of the concept that Chinese culture is divinely bestowed and that Chinese people tend to believe in gods and respect gods. Mr. Jiang said that it was very impressive to present divine messages and legendary stories through songs and dances. “Particularly, the performance of those legendary stories might purify the human heart. Even adults like us were deeply moved. I was almost shedding tears,” he said.

Praising the DPA’s rigorous training to present such a top-notch show, he said, “It was really impressive, and we could tell the tremendous effort put into the show by DPA.”

Commenting on the dance Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, Mr. Jiang said it conveyed the idea that gods and Buddhas rescued helpless people who were being unjustly abused. “It made me feel deeply touched. The performance was really amazing.”

As a legislator who should speak for the general public, Mr. Jiang has been very concerned about human rights issues. He said, “The protection of human rights should be enhanced so that human rights standards in all the countries around the world should be the same, so that human rights can prevail all over the world.”
Mr. Jiang pointed out that the freedom in Taiwan is very precious. “Particularly, when people in China are not allowed to voice their views freely, it is very good to make the world more peaceful and have more freedom through the show touring the world,” said Jiang.

He told The Epoch Times that even though the Chinese presentation of The Monkey King Triumphs was very brief, it had far-reaching implications, and made the audience feel delighted.

Talking about why he liked this, Mr. Jiang said, “It was very special to see the legendary stories we read in our childhood presented in this way. It can purify people’s hearts.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun, Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org