Mainland Chinese ‘extremely touched’ by Divine Performing Arts Show

DPA’s fourth show of in Tainan, on Feb. 22, touched Mrs. Chen very deeply.
Mainland Chinese ‘extremely touched’ by Divine Performing Arts Show
TAINAN, Taiwan—During the fourth  Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show in Tainan, on Feb. 22, Mrs. Chen, from mainland China, enjoyed it, and said she has never seen such a colorful and fantastic performance. Mrs. Chen is married to a Taiwanese man, and has been in Taiwan less than ten years.

Mrs. Chen acclaimed the opening performance, The Five Millennia Begin, saying that seeing it she felt extremely touched. It was the performance about persecution in China, however, which moved her to tears. Mrs. Chen said, “In mainland China, actually, cases of persecution are often heard about, like the Tiananmen Massacre, Falun Gong, but a lot of the time people do not dare to say too much.

“People who have not lived in China have no way of understanding the state of mind of the Chinese, like the 6/4 incident in Tiananmen Square; many of the remains of the students disappeared, and parents could not do anything but keep their grief and fury to themselves. All sorts of things that have happened in China make one feel very sad, but Divine Performing Arts invokes me to remember the wonderful 5,000 years of the Chinese civilization.”

Mrs. Chen said she thoroughly appreciated The Poet’s Vision as well: “The entire dance and backdrop were so well-matched, it gave excellent expression to Li Bai’s bold and unconstrained style. The sight of fairies descending from heaven makes feel like they were traveling through a wonderland, a world that people yearn for.”

Mrs. Chen said that every performance makes people want to keep on watching.

“It’s very worthwhile seeing!”

Read the original article in Chinese

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Chen Mingming
Chen Mingming
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