DPA Satisfies Chinese Immigrant’s Longing for Home

A recent immigrant from mainland China, treated herself to a performance by the Divine Performing Arts International Company.
DPA Satisfies Chinese Immigrant’s Longing for Home
PASADENA, Calif.—Ms. Jane Liu, a recent immigrant from mainland China, treated herself to a performance by the Divine Performing Arts International Company as a New Year’s Eve present to herself. Ms. Liu said the performance exceeded her expectations and fulfilled her thirst for traditional Chinese culture.

“Since my arrival from mainland China, I have been missing China’s traditional arts. Being able to see this wonderful performance on New Year’s Eve makes me especially happy,” said Ms. Liu, “This beautiful artistic performance satisfied my needs.”

Ms. Liu was impressed by all the elements of the performance, from historical Chinese stories to the attractive costumes of the Yi ethnic minority. She said that the performances were not just dances, but dances weaved with stories.

She said her only regret was not bringing her daughter with her to the performance. Ms. Liu thought the DPA performance would have been a great opportunity for her daughter to appreciate classical Chinese dance.

Another Chinese immigrant who came from mainland China three years ago, expressed that the DPA performance was genuine traditional Chinese culture. According to him, the quality of DPA performances can’t be seen anywhere in mainland China. “The performances in mainland China are very empty and fake. Unlike [those], the DPA performance has a lot of depth,” he said.

The immigrant said that watching the performance was like receiving relief from mental stress. He said it made him feel comfortable and refreshed. He said “[I] hope people who did not come to the performance tonight can make it another time to experience this.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour.
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