DPA Brings Back Old Memories for Chinese

Mr. Tsien, a Wall Street stockbroker and manager, came to America from China 40 years ago.
DPA Brings Back Old Memories for Chinese
NEW YORK—The Tsien family was in the audience watching The Divine Performing Arts’ (DPA) Chinese New Year Splendor at the Brooklyn Academy of Music the first weekend of 2009.

Mr. Tsien, a Wall Street stockbroker and manager, came to America from China 40 years ago. When asked what he thought of the show he replied, “We like it.” His son and daughter echoed, “Yes, we like it very much.” Mrs. Tsien, a project manager, added, “Yes, very good, very, very good show.”

“I think the dancing is excellent, and the choreography is excellent … The music is very good, very traditional—yes, I like the music. I like the modern twist to it—contemporary,” he said.

Mr. Tsien’s son, a college student, was born and raised in America and has had very little exposure to traditional Chinese culture. He shared, “I find it interesting because I’m not really used to this, I’ve never really seen anything like this before, so it was a nice first time for me. Seeing it in person rather than in a movie or something … something special. I like the drums, just because it’s very fast-paced for me.”

When asked if he had learned anything, he explained that he appreciated reading the information, and, “Yes, a little, especially about qigong. I was looking over the pamphlet and read about it, it is very interesting.”

Mrs Tsien: “It’s good, it’s nice. It’s very vibrant, the colors, the costumes are nice. Yes, it was very nice, I enjoyed it very much, it brings back old memories of roots, like fairy tales from childhood.

  Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.