DPA Showcases Heavenly Music on Earth

“The beauty of the music and dance are unforgettable!” exclaims Mr. Wang after watching the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in Los Angeles on January 4.
DPA Showcases Heavenly Music on Earth

PASADENA, Calif.—“The beauty of the music and dance are unforgettable!” exclaims Professor Wang after watching the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in Los Angeles on January 4.

Mr. Wang, a Chinese literature professor, and his wife arrived from mainland China four months ago to visit their daughter. The couple had previously seen recordings of pervious DPA performances in China, but expressed that they felt so fortunate to be able to see the live performance.

Heavenly Music on Earth

Mr. Wang, who has taught classical literature in China for 30 years, said that he was particularly pleased to see a revival of true traditional Chinese culture through the DPA. He said that DPA is able to display the series of cultures that have been well-established from the Yellow Emperor to the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

To him, the program “A Poet’s Vision” was beautiful and expresses the “divine” aspect of Divine Performing Arts. The program depicted how Gods have been saving humanity throughout history, according to Mr. Wang. “It was exciting from beginning to end!” he exclaimed.

“Sitting here, I feel peaceful and pleasant. The music of DPA is really heavenly music that is rarely heard on earth. This kind of music and dance are very rare. The Yi and Tibetan dances are very pure—absolutely unpolluted!” Wang said.

Mr. Wang added, “If DPA can perform in mainland China, it would definitely be welcomed. From it, you can see the real Chinese culture, the real traditional culture. It would definitely be greatly welcomed.”

Artistic Rendering Is True to Life

Mr. Wang and his wife were moved to tears by “Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution,” a program depicting the persecution of Falun Gong. The couple said that the program reminded them of all the Falun Gong practitioners who are currently being brutally persecuted in China.

He said that the artistic rendition of the persecution of Falun Gong is very much like the reality in China. He said that though the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is tightly suppressing Falun Gong, there are still many people who practice it in China.

“None of the Falun Gong practitioners whom I’ve met were bad persons or did bad things. They do good things, are kind and express their views. I think there’s nothing wrong with that. When Jiang Zemin was in power, the persecution was done in broad daylight, but now it’s done secretively. The situation is still the same,” said Wang.

Mr. Wang added, “Most people in China were able to see the DVD of last year’s performance. It greatly affected people. I believe that everyone understands meaning of ‘Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution’.”

The Olympics Distorted Traditional Chinese Culture

Mr. Wang believes that unlike DPA, the CCP is not able to express consummate beauty at all. According to him, the performances in mainland China are filled with political motives and can’t compare with the delicate expression of culture that DPA expresses.

He believes that while the CCP claims to be “restoring” Chinese culture, they are really just using elements from Chinese culture to advance their politics. He said that the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics was claimed to be traditional, but it completed distorted traditional Chinese culture.

“After sixty years of the CCP’s rule, especially after the Cultural Revolution, classical and traditional things have been fiercely destroyed. You can’t even see traditional things anymore,” said Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang expressed his heartfelt thanks to DPA for performing. He said, “I feel like I benefited greatly. I believe that in the near future, many people in mainland China will be shocked by the traditional arts and classical culture expressed by DPA.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts International Tour.
For more information, please see divineperformingarts.org

Read original Chinese article.

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