Meditative Music: The Erhu

Dr. Hoelscher, a well-known scientist and author, was in the audience of the Divine Performing Arts show at Century Hall on Feb.22.
Meditative Music: The Erhu
Scientist and author Dr. J. Hoelscher (Matthias Kehrein/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Scientist and author Dr. J. Hoelscher (Matthias Kehrein/The Epoch Times)" title="Scientist and author Dr. J. Hoelscher (Matthias Kehrein/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830180"/></a>
Scientist and author Dr. J. Hoelscher (Matthias Kehrein/The Epoch Times)
FRANKFURT, Germany—Dr. Hoelscher, a well-known scientist and author, was in the audience of the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show at Century Hall on Feb. 22, where there was a full house with a very enthusiastic audience.

Dr. Hoelscher said afterwards: “Seen from an aesthetic point of view, I was impressed [by the show]. But, it also is a little distressing because it speaks of a China, mainly mainland China, that persecutes families, as seen from the prison scene. [Dignity and Compassion] This is naturally very sad. When one sits there and watches the show, one cannot forget that this is reality. Hopefully, it will change soon.”

He agreed the situation could be changed by knowledge of the truth, but with this caveat:
“First of all it is one’s own path. I don’t know if a brutal regime will change itself. It is quite clear, if China does not change, it will someday pull that entire world into an abyss.”

He was asked if he thought it important to revive Chinese culture.
“Communism was imported into China from outside the country, and I personally think that it is of greatest importance that China become aware of its traditions, and as said by the hosts, brought to the 21st century, especially since communism is not a Chinese tradition. This is of greatest importance. Be it Buddha or Confucius, these are variables that can tell us a lot. Then, if the regime in China changes, then only will there be a place for us, if we take the middle road, the road of humility. … I truly believe that the Far Eastern philosophy is also of great importance to Europe. … Also, the way things are in China can no longer be sustained.”

When asked what impressed him the most from an artistic view point of view, he said,
“… It was the erhu. I liked listening to that instrument the most. All others were also very beautiful, but this music was meditation music.”

Original in German:

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