Painter: ‘Today’s impressions will integrate into my phyche’

Ms. Leitschuh, a painter from Darmstadt, Germany, saw DPA in Frankfurt on Feb.22
Painter: ‘Today’s impressions will integrate into my phyche’
FRANKFURT, Germany—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) performed on Sunday, Feb. 22, in Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderhalle (Century Hall), to a full house.

Ms. Leitschuh, a painter, is from Darmstadt, Germany. She became aware of the DPA show because of the colorful promotional materials.

Because she is a painter, the colors were the reason she was so taken by the dancer’s costumes. “It was absolutely wonderful. The balance of movement, tone, and colors was very impressive.”

Her favorite dance was Heaven Awaits us Despite Persecution, which addresses the persecution of Falun Gong in China. She said: “This was about a family. The father was persecuted. He was saved by a higher power that accompanied him on his way to the heavens. The impressions are very fresh. It is rather difficult to remember all of it. There are many more parts in different scenes that made a deep impression on me. The entire show was so rich and so versatile.”

The music was also a special experience for Ms. Leitschuh, “For my European ears the … [the erhu] made a very deep impression, but it was also unique.”

When asked if the show inspired her artistically, she said, “When I paint, I paint intuitively whatever comes from my heart. The impressions of today will integrate into my psyche. When my heart opens, they will come out by themselves.”

She said that she is grateful to have experienced Chinese culture in today’s show. This was the first Chinese show she had ever seen.

Original in German:

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With reporting by NTDTV