Actress: The Erhu ’touched my heart’

Ms. Grimme, an actress, saw DPA in Frankfurt.
Actress: The Erhu ’touched my heart’
Divine Performing Arts made former theater actress Helga Grimme think of 'harmony.' The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Divine Performing Arts made former theater actress Helga Grimme think of 'harmony.' (The Epoch Times)" title="Divine Performing Arts made former theater actress Helga Grimme think of 'harmony.' (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830192"/></a>
Divine Performing Arts made former theater actress Helga Grimme think of 'harmony.' (The Epoch Times)
FRANKFURT, Germany—The Jahrhunderthalle was nearly sold out for the Divine performing Arts (DPA) performance Feb. 22, to a very responsive audience, who even gave a few standing ovations during the show and lots of applause throughout.

Ms. Grimme, an actress, said, “I especially enjoyed the part with the chopsticks [Mongolian Chopsticks, a vivacious ethnic dance from China’s hinterlands] and the long sleeves [Flowing Sleeves]. It says what I am feeling. The long sleeves are very original. It embodies China for me. When they were waving the banners, I thought it was incredibly beautiful.

“I also liked the way the artists were walking—especially the girls. They don’t walk like we do, but they walk in a special way where their torso doesn’t move. I like this step. They seem to float, I think it is enchanting. I [also] liked the fan dance Welcoming Spring, giving everyone a sense of sheer delight]. They looked like lotus flowers.

“I thought everything was graceful and beautiful. The scene that plays in our times was especially important. It touched me because I’m against violence. I think all kinds of persecution are terrible. I never want to be persecuted myself.”

When asked to identify what the show meant to her, Mrs. Grimme said, “Harmony. I’m thinking of harmony. I like harmony … For example, I like the Chinese instrument, the erhu. It touched my heart. The lady who played the erhu seemed like an artist to me. She played her instrument with much feeling—very beautifully. It was the most beautiful piece artistically.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
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