Doting Father Goes to Great Lengths to ‘Babysit’ Daughter’s Favorite Doll

Doting Father Goes to Great Lengths to ‘Babysit’ Daughter’s Favorite Doll
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain

A doting daddy will do anything to see his little girl happy, from painting his nails to braiding her hair, and not to mention posing in similar outfits.

Trent McCain, who owns and operates McCain Trucking and Harvesting, is one such dad. His 9-year-old daughter, Joselyn, once told him that he would need to “babysit” her favorite doll Abbie.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Trent McCain</a>
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain
“Last night, Joselyn our 9 yr old daughter asked if I would babysit ‘Abbie’ for her today. ‘She really wants to go trucking with her Grandpa.’ This morning before I leave, she reminds me I’m babysitting today. Well being the good “Grandpa” I agree to take her,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

When McCain went to work the following day, he took the doll with him and decided to make the experience fun for everyone by chronicling Abbie’s adventures on Facebook.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Trent McCain</a>
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain
“Why not have fun with it?” McCain told Inside Edition. “We thought it would be fun to show Joselyn that we were doing our job and babysitting Abbie.”

Joselyn, like any concerned parent, was checking the updates on Facebook and giving instructions through her neighbor’s account as she spent the day at her home.

McCain was more than happy to comply with the demands of his daughter.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Trent McCain</a>
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain

The series of pictures show Abbie on the passenger seat fastened to a seat belt, with a Slim Jim snack and soda, watching grandpa load the wheat.

Joselyn, who was keeping a watchful eye on the events unfolding, was pleased overall, but like any overprotective mom, “didn’t approve of the snack.”  She felt that a bottle of milk would’ve been a better option. The 9-year-old also felt that Abbie needed a nap or two as the day was long.

“Joselyn didn’t appreciate our choice, but I informed her that Abbie ate what I ate, and didn’t complain. Hopefully, she took note of this,” he wrote.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Trent McCain</a>
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain

Joselyn’s mom, Jodi, laughed: “She’s very much a little mother hen, as you can tell with Abbie. She’s got several dolls [but] Abbie is very much her favorite.”

Abbie’s adventure didn’t end just there; the blonde, blue-eyed doll was also seen with McCain’s father.

Overall, we can agree that Abbie had a great day after all.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Trent McCain</a>
Photo courtesy of Trent McCain

The hilarious pictures soon went viral on Facebook, with one post garnering over 20,000 comments.

One user wrote: “That is just adorable. Big koodos to you for being an awesome SON, DADDY AND GRANDPA. More men should follow your lead and realize whats important in this world and that’s family. Being a good example and setting good examples for our youth to model up to is the absolute best lessons we can teach them.”

Another one added: “What a fantastic MAN! wish there were more men in this world like you! Some may just see a picture of a doll and a man and think it’s silly.. I see a lot more I see a man that’s dedicated to his family. I see a man that takes great pride in his family not only his granddaughter but clearly his family! You sir are a great man!”

After the pictures of Abbie went viral, a large corporation decided to send Joselyn two more dolls. They probably thought that Abbie needed more company. The gifts arrived with plenty of clothes and other accessories. The accessories were so much that they completely covered the floor of the living room.

So, Joselyn decided to purchase two other dolls so that the clothes and accessories could be divided among the dolls. The dolls were purchased with the money she earned by washing her dad’s trucks.

But when Christmas arrived that year, she decided to spread the joy by donating two of her dolls along with their outfits to two less fortunate girls in her community.

Through this incident, McCain proved what it meant to be a doting dad. He would go to any lengths for his daughter, who is the apple of his eye.

Watch the video below:

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