Dog in Transit to Minnesota Rescue Gives Birth to 14 Puppies Across Multiple States

Dog in Transit to Minnesota Rescue Gives Birth to 14 Puppies Across Multiple States
(Courtesy of Secondhand Hounds)

A big dog foster co-ordinator and transport driver of an animal shelter had a road trip to remember while driving 49 pups from Kentucky to Minnesota for rehoming. One of the dogs, a pregnant pit bull-mix, gave birth to a staggering 14 puppies on the road.

When Summer from Secondhand Hounds (SHH) “drove down [to Kentucky], nobody had given birth,” SHH executive director Rachel Mairose told WCCO. “She loaded them into her van ... crossed her fingers, put extra bedding in all the momma-to-be’s crates, and started driving.”
Grace and her 14 puppies (Courtesy of <a href="">Secondhand Hounds</a>)
Grace and her 14 puppies (Courtesy of Secondhand Hounds)

Summer heard a telltale squeaking from the back of her vanimal about two hours into the Dec. 5 trip and pulled over to investigate. There were three pregnant pups among the rescues, but one mom-to-be, Grace, couldn’t wait a moment longer to bring her babies into the world.

The “little squeaking” Summer heard was Grace’s first baby. “[I]t just went crazy from there,” said Rachel. Grace proceeded to deliver 14 puppies as Summer drove across multiple state borders.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Secondhand Hounds</a>)
(Courtesy of Secondhand Hounds)
After receiving the bumper brood of 14 puppies and 49 rescued dogs in Minnesota, SHH shared their “birth story for the ages” on Facebook. “Summer stopped to be midwife and check on the new family several times, but luckily Grace proved to be a natural mother,” they posted.

“Sometimes rescue is hard and we feel overwhelmed (especially during a pandemic) and we want to step away,” the team reflected. “But then we remember that momma Grace and the other 48 animals on this transport couldn’t afford for us to take a break. Their lives depend on us not stepping away.

Secondhand Hounds dog rescue group in Minnetonka, Minn. (Screenshot/<a href=",-93.4471896,3a,15y,67.84h,91.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2jh5cL8dRxPJG7j2FkZuFw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
Secondhand Hounds dog rescue group in Minnetonka, Minn. (Screenshot/Google Maps)

“But today,” they signed off, “we are celebrating the birthday of 14 new puppies. And the re-birth of 49 lives.”

Grace and her babies were placed in the safe care of a foster home, where all are thriving. The puppies will be available for adoption when they’re old enough to leave their mother, at around 8 or 9 weeks of age, reports WCCO.
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