Dear Next Generation: ‘Live Like Your Word Is Everything’

Dear Next Generation: ‘Live Like Your Word Is Everything’
Dear Next Generation, an advice column from readers to young people. Photo by Shutterstock

I was born in the year 1947, and I’ve lived a very full life and learned many lessons over the years. In my early years, right was right and wrong was wrong. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference. Today that isn’t so true. Situational ethics have become the rule too many times for too many folks.

My advice to the young folks of today is to live like your word is everything. What does that mean? If you make a commitment to something (anything) with a spoken word, you must abide by that commitment. It shouldn’t require a written contract to complete the “transaction.” In the words of an old farmer, “Your word is your bond.” A good reputation is a most valuable asset to own. Never tell a lie: It will only make things worse, because you'll have to keep telling more lies to cover for the first one.

Finally and most importantly, follow the “Golden Rule.” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This simple phrase is very easy to understand and needs no further explanation.

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You young folks are living in a time when God and His Word are being forgotten, and what I’ve known as “morality” is almost gone. It’s every man for himself and to blazes with the next guy. You have the opportunity to make the world a better place. I say, “go for it.”

R. Keith Vogt, Pennsylvania

Start with the end in mind. No matter what task or interaction you face, take the time to sit down and visualize what your end objectives are. Write them down. Then, when you actually get started on the task or interaction with other people, you can stay focused on the task at hand and not get distracted or waylaid from your original purpose. Keep your eye on the end goal.

Write your own eulogy. What is it that you want to hear about the life that you lead? Then live it.

Mary S. Sullivan, Virginia

My advice to the next generation would be to change any negative directions in their lives, stop any issues, evils in their lives, and start new positive trends. Make a fresh start for themselves and their families. Get help if necessary, but enjoy a better future. Don’t be mired in the past.

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C. E. Stevens 

What can you discover in the world and in yourself that isn’t on your phone, on social media, or on screens of any kind? What can you find in nature, in art, even in books? Or on a treasure hunt to see what’s in your own mind when you let it expand on a walk or a hike? Perhaps you like to do something with your hands or collect something.

What if you had talents and purpose that are outside the box that is defined by the world’s current social structure?  What if you’re a pioneer of something exciting? Let your mind breathe!

Obsession with your phone and screens can be like slavery. You may be leaving a great part of yourself undiscovered.  Try setting aside your phone for an hour each day or at least each week. Be brave! It will be rewarding and fun and you'll be a leader in your generation!

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Maria Dios

I’m 81 years old, but don’t hang up yet. Marriage is a beautiful gift from God. Marriage is hard work, but of magnificent rewards. I have three sons, 11 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Our only daughter died at age 22 in a car accident. My wife of 39 years died of cancer. Only through perseverance and my Christian faith have I been consoled and blessed. My family is so precious and supportive.

In closing, may I add a little advice? Your purity is of the utmost importance. Imagine, our creator has in His love for all us, wives and husbands, given us the gift of mutual love to create a child just like us, yet totally unique!

My thoughts, Jack Mallett, Saskatchewan
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Here’s some advice for the younger generation. I learned this mantra from a mentor 50 years ago, and I’m passing it on to my grandchildren: You can’t control how you feel, but you can control how you act.

Julie Crowl, Colorado

It’s important to know what humility looks like in order to be humble, even when the act of doing so doesn’t come naturally. Never be passive, but always be humble. Sometimes being humble may not be sincere at the moment, but reflection will prove that doing so was best. And the more humility is practiced, the more natural it becomes and the better you'll become at making a positive impact.

Stan Crader, Missouri
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What advice would you like to give to the younger generations?
We call on all of our readers to share the timeless values that define right and wrong, and pass the torch, if you will, through your wisdom and hard-earned experience. We feel that the passing down of this wisdom has diminished over time and that only with a strong moral foundation can future generations thrive.
Send your advice, along with your full name, state, and contact information to or mail it to: Next Generation, The Epoch Times, 5 Penn Plaza, 8th Fl., New York, NY, 10001
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