Dear Next Generation: Advice From a 100-Year-Old

Dear Next Generation: Advice From a 100-Year-Old
Dear Next Generation, an advice column from readers to young people. Photo by Shutterstock

You asked what advice would I give the younger generation? I am Alice Fetty, 100 years old, firstborn of seven children to John and Norah Findley. At age 20, I married Raymond Fetty, a steel mill worker. God blessed us with a daughter, Norah, and two sons, Charles and Carl. Our family grew. All three of them married and gave us grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. We’ve kept in touch with our family. Raymond passed away just 19 days before our 79th wedding anniversary.

I have witnessed many changes in past years, but I believe the rules that formed my life are just as valuable for any generation. There was no cursing or foul language spoken in our home. We were taught to be respectful, to give honor and tithe to the Lord, and to save 10 percent of earnings for emergency and old age.

Be honest, don’t cheat. When playing a game, play to win but don’t be a sore loser. Say “please” and “thank you.” If we hit one another, we had to kiss where we hit and say, “I’m sorry.” (That helped me keep my hands to myself.) Momma had a saying, “Pretty is as pretty does, and ugly goes clear to the bone.” We all have a choice. Don’t blame others for our mistakes. Keep clean, and wash your hands. We must forgive. Be willing to share and give a helping hand. Take a stand for what is right. Be responsible. Be thankful, and acknowledge a job well done.

We grew up on a farm, and we were taught to work and like it. Don’t expect someone else to do for you that which you can do yourself. If you want a job done right, do it yourself. The Bible says there is power of life and death in the tongue—speak life. No shacking up, a couple who love and respect each other do get married. Don’t experiment with drugs. If by some reason your life becomes a shambles, don’t give up, pick up the broken pieces, mend and go forward. Life is worth living because Jesus lives.

Respectfully submitted,

 Alice Fetty   


What advice would you like to give to the younger generations?
We call on all of our readers to share the timeless values that define right and wrong and pass the torch, if you will, through your wisdom and hard-earned experience. We feel that the passing down of this wisdom has diminished over time and that only with a strong moral foundation can future generations thrive.
Send your advice, along with your full name, state, and contact information to [email protected] or mail it to: Next Generation, The Epoch Times, 229 W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York, NY 10001.
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