Dad Rescues Family Dog’s Stuffed Bear and Turns It into an Epic Story for His Daughter

Dad Rescues Family Dog’s Stuffed Bear and Turns It into an Epic Story for His Daughter
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Nothing holds a family together like the love of the family dog. With boundless energy and off-the-scale cuteness, dogs often end up being best friends to the youngest members of the family. And nobody felt the tug of the heartstrings quite as much as Michaella Wallace, who left for college in Pennsylvania. In doing so, she left her best furry friend behind, 11-year-old Lucky.

Michaella’s doting father promised to keep his daughter informed of the pup’s many antics after she left for school, but Michaella could never have guessed how far her father would go to keep her entertained. The perfect excuse for an elaborate story occurred the day after an epic storm hit the family’s neighborhood.

Michaella and her dad, Terry, shared an entertaining exchange on Jan. 24, 2019, and Michaella has since posted the entire conversation on Twitter. Readers everywhere are thanking her for it: the conversation is, quite frankly, hilarious. And the stars of the show? None other than her dearly missed dog friend, Lucky, and his favorite toy.

It all began with a stuffed bear. The bear in question had been gifted to Michaella’s mother, but was quickly adopted by Lucky. Animal owners everywhere will sympathize: when a dog decides he wants a toy, there’s no arguing! The bear was looking a little worse for wear after several outings with Lucky, however. It had lost a sizeable portion of its stuffing and was no longer wearing the shiny, golden coat of fur he once boasted, but Lucky didn’t care.

Allegedly, Lucky slept with the bear, cuddled him, and played with him daily, but the storm that ravaged the neighborhood one night threatened this heartwarming relationship.

Lucky had taken the bear outside to frolic in the snow but lost him, and had to return home empty-pawed. After the snow melted, Terry kindly retrieved the soggy toy from the sludge and quickly cooked up a plan of action that would benefit both his lonesome dog and his daughter’s sense of humor.

Terry knew exactly what the disheveled bear needed. He adopted the comic role of emergency nurse, and proceeded to send his bemused daughter a series of texts, detailing the sodden bear’s lengthy series of rehabilitative procedures. Michaella, loving the joke, shared the entire conversation online to the delight of readers worldwide. “My dog’s stuffed animal was left outside and my dad made sure to save him,” she shared.

Terry, ever the humble emergency nurse, credits himself with saving the little bear’s life. The bear received a thorough washing, a homemade “IV” full of restorative fluids, and a complete pampering session in a custom-made bed, much to the curiosity of the family’s dogs.

“I found a slight pulse,” Terry wrote to his daughter, “I’m doing CPR.” And the final punchline, to Michaella’s delight: “I SAVED HIS LIFE!”

The old adage is true: life is what you make of it. We could all do with taking a leaf out of Nurse Terry’s book and use any excuse to bring a smile to the faces of our family, friends, and loved ones!

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