Couple Game: Find Out How Happy You'll Be After Your Retirement

Couple Game: Find Out How Happy You'll Be After Your Retirement

Our core values and traits influence not only who we are in our daily lives but also who we will be, and how happy we will be, in the future. Here is a small fun fortune-telling game for you all to try.

Look at the illustration below for just a moment and decide which retired couple you think looks the happiest. Your choice will reveal your likelihood of achieving the same existential bliss after your own retirement.

Take your time; pick the couple that resonates the closest to your heart and future self!


Couple A:

If you picked couple A out of the four above, read on to find out how you would fare in the future based on our “optimistic” happiness scale.
(Anastacia Trapeznikova/Shutterstock)
(Anastacia Trapeznikova/Shutterstock)
Now: Your warmth means you are something of a social magnet. You value your health and live a clean lifestyle, with plenty of exercises, good food, and quality time with loved ones.
After retirement: Having lived well in your youth, you’re all set for a longevous and happy retirement. With strong family values, your kids (and possibly even grandkids) will always rally round, loving spending time with you.

Couple B:

Do you find the cute couple B resembling your future self more? If so, then here’s how your lucky elderly self would be:
Now: You are hardworking and conscientious and are able to provide for yourself and your family. While your professional conquests are many, others may have to remind you to wind down.
After retirement: You may find that you retire later than your peers, so take care not to be the only workaholic left standing. You have earned a healthy dose of rest and relaxation!

Couple C:

If couple C is for you, you seem to score a real happy and joyful old age!
Now: You have a good work-life balance, but perhaps you have let a few of your long-held ambitions fall by the wayside. Some goals can wait for retirement, but for others, there’s no time like the present.
After retirement: Provided you don’t neglect your bucket list, you are headed for a fun, fulfilling retirement with lots to share with the people you love. Your fun-loving spirit means you'll never be short of companions.

Couple D:

Finally, here is couple D. If this is you, then be ready for a hugely blissful future self.
(Lorelyn Medina/Shutterstock)
(Lorelyn Medina/Shutterstock)
Now: Who you are in your life today is everything you will need to be happy in the future. You are family driven, selfless, good humored, and hardworking. Take care of yourself as much as you take care of others and you can’t go wrong.
After retirement: Those happy couples on the fronts of Hallmark cards in the store? That'll be you! There are long rambles, pleasant sunsets, and bridge clubs aplenty in your future, post-retirement. Enjoy every moment.

Did you learn something revealing about yourself or your future? Remember, this is for fun, so be sure to share it with your friends and family!

We would love to hear your stories! You can share them with us at [email protected]
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