Connecticut Family Shocked to Find a Bear Under Their Backyard Deck but Decide Not to Bother Him

Connecticut Family Shocked to Find a Bear Under Their Backyard Deck but Decide Not to Bother Him

Alerted by their dog, a Connecticut family was shocked to discover a huge black bear under the deck in their backyard. But instead of disturbing the bear, they let him stay. They named him “Marty,” and even set up his own social media page.

Vincent Dashukewich runs a laser engraving business with his father in Plainville, Connecticut.  At the end of December, he was in the family’s backyard with his girlfriend, playing with his pit bull, Cali, when the dog began to growl.

As soon as Vincent’s girlfriend turned and looked underneath the deck, she found Marty.

Marty the bear hibernating under a deck. (Screenshot/Newsflare)
Marty the bear hibernating under a deck. (Screenshot/Newsflare)

Vincent told The Epoch Times that both his girlfriend and family were “shocked and worried” by the bear’s chosen hibernation spot. They immediately called the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) for advice, but could not resist taking some unobtrusive camera footage of the resting bear between the wooden slats of the deck.

Vincent’s sister, Tyler, told Newsflare, “[DEEP] recommended pouring hot water on it or using air horns to scare it away, but we didn’t want to bother it so we let it stay there.”

Tyler wasn’t scared since she has grown accustomed to seeing bears. However, she admits that if it moved she would certainly be scared.

According to her, the bear will be around for a period of three months. However, Tyler, who is also a mother to a four-year-old girl, was surprised as she had never heard of a bear hibernating underneath someone’s deck before.


Meanwhile, Marty has just been sleeping all the time and hasn’t done much.

“We’ve looked at each other a couple of times, that’s about it,” Vincent told The Epoch Times.

To chronicle the family’s winter tenant, Vincent set up an Instagram page to share Marty with the world. Tyler, who is a photographer, also posted a video on her personal TikTok page, amassing over 25 million views.

Vincent said, “I wanted to make an account just to document him, raise some money for him, eventually, and donate it to charity.”

In Vincent’s first post, he explained that all videos were taken the same day that Marty was discovered. The resting bear had since been left well alone for over a week. Vincent has also been careful not to let Cali anywhere near the bear.
In an update, Vincent explained to Marty’s growing fanbase that black bears are not true hibernators. “We go into this thing called torpor,” he wrote, from Marty’s perspective. “It’s where our body temp, heart rate, even our metabolism slows so that we can conserve energy. My humans here aren’t bothering me!”

Vincent has received comments from netizens that range from awe to fear to suggestions that his family befriends Marty and makes him their “pet.” However, he’s keen to remind people that black bears may look cuddly, but they command caution and respect like any wild creature.

“Just be careful and keep a distance, especially with wildlife,” he said. “They are scared of you, and that could be dangerous.”

Watch the video:

(Video credit: Newsflare)
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