A patriotic wrestling coach paid homage to a former student killed in Afghanistan by mowing a giant American flag into his enormous lawn in Greenwood, Indiana.

“I had a wrestler that was in middle school that wrestled for me and was an awesome kid, an inspiration to our team,” Merchant recalled, “and then in 2011 he was in the military and was killed in Afghanistan.”

Waters joined the Army immediately after graduating Whiteland Community High School, where he had wrestled under Merchant’s tutelage.
“[I]t’s been nine years,” the coach reflected. “He was a kid. He was a baby. To see the inspiration that he had … that’s a real story.”

In honoring Waters’s memory, Merchant was keen to get his huge rendering of the American flag, seen best from an aerial perspective, exactly right. Using a riding lawnmower, Merchant drafted the shape of the flag on the ground before spray painting all 50 stars in bright white.
The hardest part was mowing the stars, he said.

But Merchant wanted to pay homage to another fallen hero—or heroes—while honoring his former student. Next to where the flag’s pole would have been, Merchant outlined a Twin Tower motif, and underneath the flag, he mowed the “Ichthys,” or early Christian fish symbol.

“I want to be a better husband. I want to be a better dad. I want to be a better neighbor, I want to be a better friend,” he added. “I want to be better tomorrow than I was today.”
Elsewhere, in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, local residents the Clifford family also acknowledged the Fourth of July by rendering the American flag on their front lawn, this time in bold red, white, and blue paint.
“I was out here early this morning rewriting it all,” she said.