There are many different ways people choose to honor service members on Veteran’s Day. For one Utah car dealership, it’s by providing 500 turkey dinners to the homes of vets.
Meal ingredient kits are being handed out at the VA hospital on Foothill Drive, where a social-distanced drive-through pickup has been set up. Meals are available between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the parking lot in front of Building #9.

The project, dubbed “We’re Here For You,” involved volunteers handing out meal kit bags containing turkey, pumpkin pie, canned corn, green beans, and other turkey dinner staples.
The project recruited 21 dealerships to help out this year, and they have also been encouraging people to buy local and give back to the community during the trying times brought by the pandemic.

With Thanksgiving right around the bend, volunteers know this act of kindness is the least they can do for the veterans who’ve sacrificed for our country.
Community members left notes of thanks on the post.
“We got ours!” said one. “Thank you so much!!”
Another wrote, “Thank you for helping us make sure our Veterans in need are taken care of this holiday season.”