California Police Officers Deliver Baby Boy in the Department’s Parking Lot

California Police Officers Deliver Baby Boy in the Department’s Parking Lot
(Courtesy of Stockton Police Department)

Three California police officers started out their day in dramatic fashion when they were flagged down to help a man and his wife, parked by the side of the road. The woman was in labor.

One of the officers of the Stockton Police Department was hailed by the couple in need at around 7:46 a.m. on Sept. 27, according to a statement. The father-to-be, standing at the junction of Washington and El Dorado in downtown Stockton, told the officer that his wife was having a baby and needed to get to a hospital.
(Illustration - Syda Productions/Shutterstock)
(Illustration - Syda Productions/Shutterstock)

The laboring woman was sitting in the passenger seat of the car. The officer directed the couple to a safe spot away from the street. It just so happened to be the Stockton Police Department building’s front parking lot.

“The officer called dispatched, and aired for a Code 3 [lights and siren] ambulance for a woman in active labor,” the police department said.

While waiting, the officer gave reassurances to the nervous couple. However, the mother’s water broke before the ambulance could arrive, according to the statement.

Luckily, two additional police officers with medical experience were in the vicinity and took over the laboring woman’s care “without hesitation.” They helped her deliver her baby, a healthy boy, right there in the parking lot.

Baby Semaj came into the world at 7:50 a.m., mere minutes after the first officer’s help was requested. None of the officers were identified in the news release.

“The baby and mother are doing fine at the hospital,” the police said in the statement.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Stockton Police Department</a>)
(Courtesy of Stockton Police Department)

After sharing the cheerful news of the baby’s arrival on Facebook, Stockton Police received a plethora of supportive comments from members of the community and social media users from all over. To date, their post has been liked over 10,000 times and counting.

“Great job officers,” wrote one supporter, “back the blue, what if they hadn’t been there!”

“Our officers are the best, thank you,” wrote another. “[A]s an NICU nurse I know how lucky baby was to have you there at the right place at the right time. Thank you to all of you.”

“I bet it’s a day they’ll never forget,” one social media user wrote. “What a blessing to be there to help a new little life into the world! Congratulations to the family, and great job on the officers’ part!”

Stockton Police Department at Washington and El Dorado in Stockton, Calif. (Screenshot/<a href=",-121.2894394,3a,90y,17.57h,86.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjCzy_eMgDyj3Hq6O2Pl9fw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
Stockton Police Department at Washington and El Dorado in Stockton, Calif. (Screenshot/Google Maps)
Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones said, according to The Record, that having to deliver babies in urban settings is a “very rare” occurrence for his officers.

“When you log in for duty every morning, you don’t expect something like this to happen,” Jones said. “This is just where the timing worked out.”

“It’s very fortunate the officers had some medic training,” Jones said. “They were just in the right place at the right time. They were calm under pressure, and I’m very proud of them.”

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