California Mom Gives Birth to 1-in-2-Million Twins, 15 Minutes Apart but in Different Years

California Mom Gives Birth to 1-in-2-Million Twins, 15 Minutes Apart but in Different Years
Courtesy of Natividad Medical Center

In a massively rare occurrence, twin babies born in California on New Year’s Eve have two different dates and years on their respective birth certificates.

Fraternal twins Aylin Yolanda and Alfredo Antonio Trujillo were born at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas to parents Fatima Madrigal and Robert Trujillo of Greenfield, California, just 15 minutes apart.

While Alfredo made it into the world at the tail-end of 2021 at 11.45 p.m., his sister was born at the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1, making her celebrate her birthday in an entirely separate year.

Aylin (L) with her twin brother, Alfredo. (Courtesy of <a href="">Natividad Medical Center</a>)
Aylin (L) with her twin brother, Alfredo. Courtesy of Natividad Medical Center
“It’s crazy to me that they are twins and have different birthdays,” mom Fatima said, according to a press release by the hospital. “I was surprised and happy that she arrived at midnight.”

In addition to having a separate birthday from her twin, Aylin was also the first recorded baby born in Monterey County in 2022.

Fatima Madrigal with her twin babies, Aylin and Alfredo. (Courtesy of <a href="">Natividad Medical Center</a>)
Fatima Madrigal with her twin babies, Aylin and Alfredo. Courtesy of Natividad Medical Center

Aylin was born healthy at 5 pounds 14 ounces (2.66 kg), and big brother Alfredo was born weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce (2.75 kg). The siblings represent a special rarity, as, according to Natividad, twins born on different days, months, and years are something in the region of one in 2 million.

Natividad Medical Group’s family doctor Dr. Ana Abril Arias said the twins’ birth was one of the most memorable deliveries of her career.

“It was an absolute pleasure to help these little ones arrive here safely in 2021 and 2022,” she said. “What an amazing way to start the New Year!”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Natividad Medical Center</a>)

Proud parents Fatima and Robert have since returned home to introduce the twins to their three older siblings—two sisters and a brother, the boy who was extremely excited to meet his baby brother, said Fatima. Comments on from well-wishers sent them on their way.

“What a great story to tell,” wrote one netizen. “Welcome, little ones, and congratulations to their families.”

“I love that they’ll get to have their own birthdays,” wrote another.

Baby Aylin was born in a completely separate year to her twin brother. (Courtesy of <a href="">Natividad Medical Center</a>)
Baby Aylin was born in a completely separate year to her twin brother. Courtesy of Natividad Medical Center

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