“What I’ve seen in recent years alarms me,” writes British nanny Emma Jenner.

1. Parents are scared of their kids

It’s not a great lesson for kids to let them have what they want as the result of a tantrum, Jenner explains. That’s why she invented “the sippy cup test.” The smart nanny observes her client (the parent) getting their child their morning drink. If the child demands a different cup than the one they’re given, Jenner’s on the lookout for a red flag reaction.
“I watch carefully to see how the parent reacts,” Jenner writes. If the parent obliges and puts themselves out to satisfy their grumbling child, then Jenner’s conclusion is simple: “What are you afraid of, mom? Who is in charge here?”
2. Parents let their kids get away with murder

“Kids will be kids” is a dangerous phrase. Jenner has observed countless parents shrugging off bad behavior both in private and in public, and it’s not okay.
“Children are capable of much more than parents typically expect from them,” Jenner assures us. Children can definitely sit through dinner; they can absolutely help with the dishes; they can certainly go to bed on time. The only reason they don’t is because parents don’t expect them to, Jenner explains.
3. Parents are going it alone

In the past, parents had what the professionals call “the village.” Teachers, bus drivers, neighbors, and all manner of other people from the local community were allowed and encouraged to act as “eyes” for parents when their kids were out and about. “Everyone worked towards the same shared interest: raising proper boys and girls,” Jenner explains.
4. Parents are too tempted by shortcuts

Technology can be wonderful if harnessed correctly. Sure, phones and tablets can alleviate the boredom of airport queues and facilitate a little after-dinner downtime, “but shortcuts can be a slippery slope,” Jenner says.
5. Parents put their kids before themselves

We all know the old in-flight adage “put on your own air mask before helping others.” Well, the very same philosophy goes for parenting. It’s a “good thing for evolution,” Jenner says, that parents automatically put their kids before themselves, but modern parents have taken it too far.
There’s nothing wrong with delayed gratification, the nanny explains. “Wait,” and “no” are not dirty words. In the long-term, preserving the mental and physical well-being of America’s moms and dads is paramount if they are going to continue to be effective parents.

So, that’s the crisis, neatly summed up in five reasonable synopses. But what can we do about it? We certainly don’t want to raise a generation of “entitled, selfish, impatient, rude adults.” And as Jenner rightly points out, it wouldn’t be their fault; it would be ours.
The expert nanny’s conclusion is fourfold. Ask more, she says. Expect more. Share your struggles, and give less. Collectively, we can make the “modern crisis” a momentary blip on the radar and change parenting habits for the better!