A heartfelt social media campaign sparked a huge response after a pair of cats were relinquished at the age of 21. The “senior kittizens,” believed to be the oldest living cat siblings in the United Kingdom, have since found their forever home to live out their remaining days.
Nikita and Leon are black shorthair mixes and have been best buddies since birth. Upon their arrival at the RSPCA animal shelter in Northamptonshire, England, staffers immediately warmed up to the quiet, affectionate brothers.

The brothers were both in “fairly good health” upon arrival at the shelter, although Nikita was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. He is now medicated but will need regular blood testing to see how he is responding to medication.
“Due to their age, we were keen to get these lovely boys settled into a new home asap,” the RSPCA explained.

The affectionate pair needed a quiet home with no kids. Staffers cited “chin tickles and human company” as two of Leon and Nikita’s very favorite things.
Adoption team member Julie Clifft called the response to the campaign “pretty crazy.” The team had over 100 applications, some hailing from as far away as the United States. However, in their enthusiasm, many willing adopters glossed over the criteria of needing to live in the local area.

After the joy of finding Leon and Nikita a forever home in which they will enjoy their winter days, the RSPCA set up a “Senior Kittizens” fund in their honor to help older cats in the future, an RSPCA representative told The Epoch Times via email.