Boy, 6, Gets Hero’s Welcome After Jumping in Front of Car to Save His 2-Year-Old Sister

Boy, 6, Gets Hero’s Welcome After Jumping in Front of Car to Save His 2-Year-Old Sister
(Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

When a 2-year-old child ran to the street in Mobile, Alabama, her 6-year-old brother didn’t hesitate to follow, pushing her out of the way of an oncoming car and taking the impact of the collision. After spending hours in the hospital, the little boy was hailed a hero by his proud family and his very own heroes, the local fire department.

“We were all at a family gathering,” 29-year-old mom of four Kayla Giles told The Epoch Times. “The children were all very much supervised.”

However, toddler Kaycee had somehow managed to slip away and was hiding behind one of the parked cars in the yard. When everyone noticed that Kaycee was missing and asked about her, the little girl darted from behind the car and just headed for the street.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
(Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

Witnessing this, everyone ran behind little Kaycee. At that moment, Kaycee’s older brother Kayden, who was riding his hoverboard up and down the sidewalk, happened to be the closest to his sister. Thus he immediately sprang into action by jumping off the hoverboard and went behind Kaycee.

Kayla was just inches away, but her son got there first. The driver saw the children, said Kayla, but was driving so fast that when she slammed the breaks, the car didn’t stop immediately. As Kayden pushed Kaycee away from the oncoming vehicle, he was struck on the back of the head, and the collision caused him to skid on the concrete, grazing the entire right side of his body.

“My heart immediately dropped the moment Kaycee darted towards the street,” Kayla recalled of the moment. “When Kayden was struck by the vehicle, my heart immediately left my chest because it happen right in front of me.”

The distraught mom then retrieved her toddler from the sidewalk and her son from the road, laying him down on the grass nearby. He then was rushed to hospital for assessment, and Kayla shared the family’s ordeal on Facebook.

“Kayden is fine, everyone,” she posted, “and all of his tests came back good. He has a few scrapes and scars, but with time they will all heal. I’m just glad my babies are okay!”

Kayden at the hospital. (Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
Kayden at the hospital. (Courtesy of Kayla Giles)
Mayor Sandy Stimpson with Kayden and Kayce. (Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
Mayor Sandy Stimpson with Kayden and Kayce. (Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

A couple of days after the incident, Kayden was welcomed home by Mobile Fire and Rescue, who invited the heroic 6-year-old to explore their fire truck and even sound the horn. Kayden, who dreams of becoming a firefighter one day, was really excited.

Public Information Officer Steven Millhouse commended Kayden for having the heart of a hero. “For Kayden to be able to recognize what was happening and to react the way he did, he’s definitely a beacon for our future,” he told Fox News.
(Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
(Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

On Feb. 8, the town had another surprise in store for Kayden. Suited and booted, the little hero received an Exceptional Citizen’s Award and medal from Mayor Sandy Stimpson for his bravery and heroic efforts alongside his sister Kaycee.

His proud mom shared photos on Facebook, claiming: “My boy is a true hero and it feels so good that everyone is recognizing him.”
Kayden and his sister Kaycee.(Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
Kayden and his sister Kaycee.(Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

Mobile native Kayla, a caregiver, told The Epoch Times: “I am just so blessed and thankful that my son jumped into action and saved his baby sister, because things really could have been way worse and the outcome could have been more tragic. I always tell my children to watch out for and look after each other, because whether I leave this earth today or tomorrow, they will always have each other.

“I will never forget about this moment.”

Kayla Giles with her four children. (Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
Kayla Giles with her four children. (Courtesy of Kayla Giles)

Kayden and Kaycee are the two middle children of four close-knit siblings. Kayden is “the laid-back kid” while Kaycee is “the busybody,” said Kayla. Both are now healthy and well after their ordeal. The older brother is more protective of his younger sister now.

Reflecting back on the incident, Kayla shared: “Everyone makes mistakes, but this mistake only makes me go harder, and now I will watch out for my children like never before.

“I may not be a perfect mother to some because of this incident, but in my children’s eyes, I am a super mother, and they still love me unconditionally. That’s all that matters!”

Kayden with his siblings. (Courtesy of <a href="">Kayla Giles</a>)
Kayden with his siblings. (Courtesy of Kayla Giles)
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