Blind Pup Found Wandering Aimlessly Through London’s Hyde Park Finds New Forever Home

Blind Pup Found Wandering Aimlessly Through London’s Hyde Park Finds New Forever Home
(Courtesy of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)
Jenni Julander

When a tiny blind Rottweiler was found wandering aimlessly through Hyde Park in London, it was rescued, and thanks to some good Samaritans, it has found a new forever home.

At just 3 months old, Oliver was taken in by Battersea cats and dogs home. And just in time for Christmas, he found a new home in east London, and quickly acclimated to his new environment, according to his new human mom.

“Although Oliver is blind, he’s such a confident boy,” she told News Shopper on Nov. 28, 2020, adding that the little black-and-brown puppy enjoys “country walks,” after which he loves to “have a snuggle.”
(Courtesy of <a href="">Battersea Dogs & Cats Home</a>)
(Courtesy of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)

After he started bringing his food bowl to her for extra treats, he earned himself the nickname “Oliver Twist.”

“He’s such a big character,” she said. “He really goes to show that while rescue dogs aren’t perfect, they are definitely worth it.”

Rescuers at Battersea suspect Oliver was the victim of abandonment; often, breeders abandon puppies when they can’t turn a profit.

“We’ll never know the real reason why young Oliver was abandoned,” said Steve Craddock, center manager at Battersea. “But it may have been because being blind would make it harder for a breeder to sell him to new owners.”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Battersea Dogs & Cats Home</a>)
(Courtesy of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)

According to Craddock, blind dogs are often unwanted and left to fend for themselves.

“Dogs are amazing animals, and blind dogs are often very misunderstood,” he explained. “Although they may not be able to see, they can enjoy the world in different ways and will use their sense of smell to explore the world around them.”

In fact, despite a lack of eyesight, it doesn’t take long for dogs like Oliver to adjust to a new environment.

“Blind dogs are also very quick to map new environments and so can easily adjust to a home setting,” Craddock added.

Animal rescuers advise anyone struggling with a pet they cannot care for to bring it to a rescue center that’s equipped to find an appropriate home, instead of abandoning the animal.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Battersea Dogs & Cats Home</a>)
(Courtesy of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home)

“We‘d always urge anyone with a puppy that they can no longer look after to bring them into a rescue center like Battersea,“ said Craddock. ”This way, they’ll be safe and will have the best chance of finding the perfect home, just like Oliver has done ... There’s never any excuse for abandoning a helpless animal—rescues are here to help.”

Now, Oliver is settled into his new home and loving spending time with his new owner.

“He’s now fully settled,” Oliver’s new human mom said. “It took him no time at all to happily find his way around his new home.”

Watch Oliver “ask” for extra treats by bringing his bowl:
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Jenni Julander is a writer based in the Rocky Mountains, where she received her writing education. She covers human interest and trending news for The Epoch Times.
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