This “friendly” bear visits the same neighborhood every year and even uses locals’ pools and trampolines after being accepted as a member of the community.
The large black bear, accompanied by her cubs, has visited every summer for the last six years with neighbors welcoming her—and has habitually helped herself to a certain family’s food stores.
“She comes down every year. One mama bear and her cubs,” said Michael Costello, who lives near Blueberry Lane in Farmington, Connecticut.

“I know it’s the same bear because she’s double-tagged. It’s one mama bear who’s raised several generations of cubs. She has four cubs this year.”
Mr. Costello says the bear is very comfortable in the neighborhood and has started coming into his house to get at bird feed and peanut butter in his pantry.
The bear has also used his swimming pool, a neighbor’s trampoline, and their porches where she sits with their cats.
The neighbors are not afraid of the bear and have even taken a shine to her.

“I’m of the opinion that a lot of the neighbors aren’t as scared of the bear as they should be,” said Mr. Costello, 24, a freelance animator.
“There are rumors that someone is feeding it dog food. I don’t think that the bear will attack anyone—but they shouldn’t feed it.
“Everyone has a different relationship with the bear. She comes to my garage to take food; with my neighbors, she just sits on their porch with their cat.
“She’s come into my garage four times now; she’s used my pool. She’s definitely part of the neighborhood.”