A Teachable Spirit Is Gold in the Life of a Leader

A Teachable Spirit Is Gold in the Life of a Leader
Glennys Hyland

Leaders keep learning while teaching others, because for your team to grow, you must grow. Here are some ways you can maintain a teachable spirit to learn from the people and situations you face on a regular basis.

Stay Connected

It is vital to stay connected to other organizational leaders and business networks.

Leaders should never miss an opportunity take advantage of continuing education trainings, whether in their professional field or for personal growth. Picking up new techniques and hearing about the latest tools can inspire someone to finally address much needed areas of improvement.

Undoubtedly, throughout the years, things change. Better processes are developed, different methods of teaching are practiced, and technology advances to make work easier and more productive. However, if you do not stay connected to the latest changes and listen to others for creative thought and technical information, you might miss out on these tools.

Here’s one example:

A team was using the same process for many years to accomplish a task in a specific way and using a specific tool. This is what many will call, “the old-fashioned way.”

All the competitors they knew were doing it in a different way. They made that change years ago to use more advanced software technology.

But the leader of this team did not want to invest time and money on learning this new advanced tool, and then training their team members. It was difficult, if not frightening, to change what was already established for many years. After all, it worked.

The day finally came when, due to circumstances outside of their control, this leader was obligated to upgrade the technology.

Immediately, the team all realized that this new method was an easier and a more professional way of doing business. As one can imagine, they regretted that, for the many years, the leader chose to stay with what simply worked, instead of improving how they work, all to avoid taking the time to master new tools and invest in the learning curve of team members.

Changes are not always easy, but sometimes they are necessary for improvement. Therefore, stay connected to fellow leaders to keep on learning while continually teaching others.

Don’t Miss an Opportunity

Don’t miss an opportunity to learn. It is possible to learn something out of every situation in life, even the bad, and uncomfortable ones.

When you are leading something, do not forget: many are watching you—how you react in a conflict situation while under pressure, dealing with another’s mistake, and so on.

Other leaders watch and learn from your responses too, not just your team. Remember, as the leader, the stage light shines on you. Your reputation is extremely important. It will impact the ministry, organization, or business that you lead. Your actions are more teachable than words.

Here’s an example:

A leader planned an event that involved the participation and agreement of fellow leaders. There was an abundance, if not overly repetitive amount of detailed communication that was sent through emails and texts—with a request to reply that the individual received the messages.

Moments before the event start time, this leader found out from another team member that the agenda suddenly changed, making for a very intense and uncomfortable setting.

Minutes of chaos and confusion behind the scenes quickly followed. Different activities were added to the agenda without communicating them to the leader that planned the in entire event. Imagine!

These major changes were made without consulting the key person onsite and in the pre-planning phase. To make matters worse, the changes did not line up with the vision of the event and would lengthen the time of the event to an unacceptable level. Plus, if these changes were implemented, it would force volunteers who willingly signed up to serve at the event to stay longer than what the leader originally asked. This type of treatment can have a dire effect next time the leader is recruiting volunteers.

Now, one might think that no one was aware of what was happening behind the scenes. But that was not the case.

Immediately, this leader acted, and did not allow the agenda that was planned and organized months in advance with anticipation and excellence to be ruined.

With a smile on their face, this leader took the lead and had the needed but uncomfortable conversation—“we are doing what the agenda on paper says, and nothing else.” The other party tried to push back, but the leader was firm in their position. In the end, the event went well from start to finish.

The next day, the leader who planned the event received unexpected messages and feedback of encouragement and appreciation from other leaders who attended the event. They shared how, despite not knowing the specifics, they could notice and perceive something was not right minutes leading up to the event.

Even when you think no one is watching, many are learning from you. Never forget that!

Great leaders know how to turn a bad situation into an opportunity to learn and teach others to avoid repeating a comparable situation.

Leaders learn from their own mistakes, and the mistakes of others.

It is in these moments that others can see you grow as a leader, and your capability to respond well allows others to trust in your leadership.

As a leader, you never stop learning and growing. A teachable spirit is an essential personal quality leaders must maintain to make their business, organization, or ministry different from others.

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Glennys is leading Move the Earth Ministries. She encourages the faith of women through her “Let’s Get Real with Glennys Hyland” YouTube channel and her book “I Am Real.” She provides a safe place for women to find healing and closure through her “Deep and Renew Post-Abortive Biblical Counseling.”
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