Leaders Look Like Leaders

Leaders Look Like Leaders
Being neat and clean should be extremely important to the leaders. Shutterstock
Glennys Hyland

All eyes are on the leader for inspiration, guidance, and influence. Leaders must earn and maintain the respect of others by walking in excellence and going beyond what is expected.

When they walk in the room, a sense of confidence can be displayed by the way they present themselves. Great leaders strive to dress appropriately for the occasion within their specific culture or region.

This spirit of excellence begins first in the little things that might look insignificant, the things that no one sees, such as organizing their room, cleaning their car, or even managing their computer files.

Excellence in Private

As water reflects the face, the way leaders present themselves in public reflects the attitude and self-discipline they maintain behind closed doors.

Home is where success starts. Great leaders are organized and love order. Their cleanliness is an example to their team members and to other leaders. Their standard of living is not just evident in teaching words, but by their own actions and the way they carry themselves. They are doers. Their physical, mental, and spiritual stability within their personal space sets the stage that helps them train their team on how to best represent the organization. Their excellence is displayed not just in their brilliant ideas, but in their own personal presentation.

Being neat and clean should be extremely important to the leaders. They do not rush at the last minute, grabbing their pants from the dirty laundry basket, and slipping on muddy shoes that were worn at the dog park the day before and think that no one will notice.

Please understand, it is not the cost or value of what a leader wears that makes them a “leader of excellence.” It is how they present themselves, with the understanding, that there are many cultures and forms of dress for different occasions.

Again, do not forget that all eyes are on you as a leader. People will look at you from your head to your toes, part by part, especially while you are teaching or giving any kind of guidance or instruction. If you dress for success, you will earn your team’s or audience’s respect.

Above all, your level of dress is not a reflection of how much respect you want to receive, but an indication of how much respect you want to show others.

Excellence in Public

Leaders are always brainstorming and creating new and original ideas. They are always encouraging and helping their team members to discover and develop their potential. They always try to bring the solution to a problem or difficulty.

Leaders are aware of the impact that they make, for good or bad, and intentionally present themselves in a way of excellence that can affect or change how those around them develop, behave, or think.

They recognize the worth in each member of their team and respect their differences in beliefs and opinions. Accepting their team for who they are, even when they are different or don’t agree with them, is crucial. They are not afraid of changes. They speak the truth in love to prevent conflict and chaos.

These are the type of leaders that a team admires for their abilities, qualities, and achievements. Great leaders are always excelling, always learning, always striving to give their very best. Their team is not embarrassed of representing them because they conduct themselves with excellence and integrity. They are good communicators, listeners, and know how to embrace challenges as opportunities. They model to their team how to go the extra mile by putting in the extra effort, time, and energy to accomplish the mission. Excellent leaders know how to be equipped, prepared, and on time. Patience is their best quality, especially when things do not go the way they planned.

A Real Story

A business leader wore the same pair of shoes for a number of years. They were wearing out and had discoloration spots, but there were no holes in them yet. The leader did not give much thought to them because the shoes were extremely comfortable on his feet. The leader had other nice new shoes at home, but for his business, he preferred these shoes because of their relaxed fit. From his perspective, these were the best shoes to wear.

He knew that it was time to change them because their look was not presentable for his business, but he chose to walk around comfortable instead. He purposely did not want to make a big deal out of the physical condition of his favorite old pair of shoes. He probably thought that as long he did his work with excellence, no one would care about or notice his old, faded shoes.

Then, one day, an older woman who took notice of this leader’s shoes for all these years finally made a comment that really embarrassed the leader to finally give in and wear a brand-new pair of shoes the next day.

This elderly woman looked at the leader and, in a very sarcastic way, asked, “Are those your forever shoes?”

And that was it! That was the end of the comfortable worn-out shoes. It was at that moment that this leader realized that people do pay attention to everything—even a pair of shoes.

Don’t wait until the moment of embarrassment. These small things are noticeable and do represent you and your ministry, organization, or business. Let me repeat that word—represent! It’s good to always remember that wherever you go, or wherever you stand or show up, you represent!

Let me remind you that as a leader, when you walk in the room every eye is on you. People look at you from your head to your toes, especially in a teaching or public speaking role.

We all know and often say that what is more important than the physical appearance is the heart, and that is right, but how you present yourself on the outside reflects the inside.

You might never have an elderly lady asking you if those are your “forever shoes,” or shirt, or pants, but always know that people do take notice. Think of the picture that comes to people’s minds when they think of you. Whatever is kept in their mind will eventually come out in the open. It’s up to you.

Strive for excellence. Be neat. Be clean. Be organized. Let the inside of you be evident from the outside. Be mindful and respectful of the presence of others. Represent well.

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Glennys Hyland
Glennys Hyland
Glennys is leading Move the Earth Ministries. She encourages the faith of women through her “Let’s Get Real with Glennys Hyland” YouTube channel and her book “I Am Real.” She provides a safe place for women to find healing and closure through her “Deep and Renew Post-Abortive Biblical Counseling.”