9 French Lifestyle Tips to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life

9 French Lifestyle Tips to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life
The French lifestyle is all about living a simple life. Victoria Chudinova/Shutterstock
What does it really take to live the French lifestyle? If you want to know a little bit more about the French lifestyle or “l’Art de vivre” in French, here are our 9 French Lifestyle tips to incorporate into your Daily Life.
But what is a typical French lifestyle? How the French enjoy life? The French lifestyle is all about living a simple life. There are plenty of tips and ideas listed below you can easily incorporate into your daily life to live the French lifestyle.

1. Sit down and savor your meal

For the French, mealtime is sacred! And dedicating time each day to sit down and savor your meal is something the French have embraced and practiced forever. So, stop rushing around and doing extra things while you’re eating. Instead, just sit down at one table with your family, friends, or colleagues and enjoy a nice meal together. Also, at home, avoid TV dinners or lunch/dinner on the go. Finally, make sure to take your lunch break! The French usually have a proper one-hour lunch break they enjoy with their friends and/or colleagues.

2. Have meaningful conversations

The French usually do not like superficial small talks but instead, they prefer to have meaningful conversations. To master the art of conversation, make sure you always have something to talk about. Read, listen, watch the news, and get informed about world events and local ones too. No topic is off-limit such as religion or politics. Except maybe money; avoid in a conversation to talk about how much you spent on your new car or how much you’re earning. In France, it’s vulgar to talk about money so openly in a conversation.
Conversations need to be engaging, objective, and with no political speak. And usually, it’s always better to have those types of conversations with a meal, a glass of wine, or with a coffee. Now, you understand why French dinner parties can last for hours! I think it’s a great way to learn about new topics and to share ideas with others.

3. Spend an hour everyday doing something you love

Practice ‘La Joie de Vivre”, savor the simple pleasures in life – Whether thats baking, playing sports, or even just sitting with you pet, do something you love for at least an hour each day. You’ll be happier!

4. Learn cooking easy recipes

The French love to cook! Almost every day, the French cook meals with fresh whole, and unprocessed foods. It doesn’t have to be a 3 courses meal each day, just take the time to make something yourself. For Dessert, is whatever fruit in season or homemade tarts.

5. Exercise the French way

The French move around regularly, using stairs, bikes, and public transportation. And it’s especially true in cities like Paris, where most Parisians walk or bike where they need to go. Stay active throughout the day!
The French walk because they enjoy it and it’s a part of normal everyday life, not because it’s something they have to do to stay fit. So, whether it’s a walk in the morning or a stroll after dinner, embrace a walk around the neighborhood or local park instead of heading straight to the sofa. Adopting this habit is one of the simplest ways you can start incorporating the French lifestyle into your daily routines.

6. Embrace aging gracefully

French women know that age has nothing to do with style and great style is possible no matter how old you are. You can be chic at any age, the key is to know how to flaunt your body and sensibility in a way that works for you. And the French will always prefer to look their age than trying too hard to look younger: they just want to be the best version of themselves at any age.

7. Wear your signature scent everyday

Usually, French women have a selection of different perfumes for different occasions. One for every day, others fragrances for a night out, and the most expensive ones are kept for special occasions. Each morning, the French usually choose which fragrance they want to wear that day, depending on the mood. To make your perfume last longer my French tip is to spray a small amount behind your ears, on the back of your neck, and on your wrists.

8. Host a French dinner party

Hosting is really at the heart of French culture. In French, we call it the “Art de recevoir à la Française” (“the art of hosting French-style” in English). French dinner parties usually follow a beautiful plat, entrée (main course), fromage (cheese plate with salad usually) and dessert; paired with wines, multiple place settings, and pre-and post-dinner drinks. French dinners are effortlessly chic: a good conversation with a lot of laughter, good wines, and delicious food, an evening that unfolds at a leisurely pace and ends late.

9. Spend your Sundays the french way

Le Dimanche! Sunday in France is like a French holiday, except it happens every weekend. Most stores are closed and restaurants are open, forcing you to focus on the truly important things in life: family and friends with a side of delicious food and good conversations. Indeed, the French are known for their long Sunday lunches “en famille” that stretch into the afternoons.

Sundays in France is the perfect day of the week to slow down and/or to do nothing! You can either enjoy a brunch with friends, a picnic in the park or go to the museums.

This article was first published on OuiPleasebox.com .
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