4-Year-Old Sees Dad Without Beard for the First Time—Her Reaction Is Just Amazing: VIDEO

4-Year-Old Sees Dad Without Beard for the First Time—Her Reaction Is Just Amazing: VIDEO
(Courtesy of Paige Robinson)
Deborah George

A little girl’s sweet reaction to her father shaving his beard has gone viral, touching the hearts of many.

Four-year-old Wren lives in Connecticut with her father, Josh Davila, 32, who owns a plumbing business, and mother, Paige Robinson, 29, who is also a small business owner.

In April, Mr. Davila was trying to trim his facial hair, but a mistake in the process prompted him to shave it all. The last time Mr. Davila shaved his mustache and beard was right after Wren was born—over four years ago.

Though Wren had seen her dad clean-shaven in old family photos, this was actually the first time she'd seen him without his mustache and beard in real life.

Mr. Davila and Ms. Robinson with their daughter, Wren. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)
Mr. Davila and Ms. Robinson with their daughter, Wren. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)
Mr. Davila before and after shaving his mustache and beard. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)
Mr. Davila before and after shaving his mustache and beard. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)

In the video, shot on April 30, Mr. Davila is seen smiling at Wren as he shows off his new face.

Wren grins at her dad’s new look, asking him, “Can you kiss me?”

Mr. Davila then asks her if she likes his new look.

“Yeah, I love it!” Wren said. “You’re so beautiful!”

Hearing the heartfelt compliment, Mr. Davila is seen tearing up in the video.

Watch the video:

(Courtesy of Paige Robinson)

Ms. Robinson told The Epoch Times that she also became emotional after seeing her husband crying upon their daughter’s response.

“It was just a really touching moment,” she said. “I feel like we’re doing something right with raising her.”

Ms. Robinson describes Wren’s demeanor as very sweet; she often uplifts others when they’re feeling down.

“She’s so positive. Such a bubbly personality,” Ms. Robinson said, adding that the viral video depicted Wren’s character perfectly.

“I’m just really proud of her for being so positive. My biggest goal is to make sure that she continues to be that way.”

Wren with her father. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)
Wren with her father. (Courtesy of Paige Robinson)

‘Nothing but Positivity’

There was a reason Ms. Robinson decided to shoot the video. Having watched other kids react to their newly clean-shaven dads on the web, she was curious how her own family video would turn out.

She knew that, unlike many other children, Wren would not grow frightened or cry at the sight of her clean-shaven father. If anything, seeing her father’s new look would probably result in a sweet compliment. Her predictions were correct.

Although the family didn’t originally intend to post the video on social media, they decided to share it with the world since it depicted such a beautiful emotion. To date, their video has yielded much joy around the globe.

“I have seen nothing but positivity in my comments,” Ms. Robinson said. “People have been sharing their stories of when their dad shaved their beards, and we’ve been loving hearing how they had completely different reactions.”

Ms. Robinson says some people even felt the video was “healing their inner child.”

The couple has decided not to tell Wren about her rise to fame—they are not sure their young daughter would be able to comprehend it.

Mr. Davila has always liked his bearded look, but seeing Wren’s reaction has caused him to rethink his choice of style.

“I think, because of her reaction, he would be more open to shaving it more often, just so he can have that type of reaction again from her,” the proud mom said.

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