Nearly 200 pairs of surplus military boots were donated to a homeless charity in Atlanta, Georgia, late July. The boots were received at the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services site in Warner Robins.

He added, “Men don’t normally donate shoes, and if they do they are usually worn out.” He said that the staff member who distributes clothing at the group’s holiday dinners—Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Martin Luther King Day—wanted the boots for her clients.
“When she saw the boots, she was so happy. She did, however, allow me to take some for our Hosea on the Move Homeless outreach,” said Williams. The boots were taken around Atlanta and given to local homeless and people in need at bridges and a homeless park.

LaVette Rush, a property disposal specialist at the DLA, spoke about the donation. The 189 pairs of boots that were donated would be divided up, with some to be handed out immediately and some to be gifted during future holiday dinners for the homeless.
“I have been told that they usually don’t have a lot of shoes for men during those dinners, and that the amount that they received is amazing and much needed,” he said. “It was amazing knowing that those boots would be going to people who need and appreciate the smaller things.”