12 Home Decor Tips for a Mental Health Boost

Bringing nature and natural sunlight into the home are only some ways to boost mental health.
12 Home Decor Tips for a Mental Health Boost
It should feel good to be home. (Jena Ardell/Getty Images/TNS)

What do funeral parlors, prison cells, and courtrooms all have in common? Other than being places you’d probably rather avoid, they’re all examples of spaces that use color, texture, lighting, and room layout to evoke particular emotional responses from their occupants. And it works.

Although it’s a far less extreme—and solemn—example of this, the interior design and decor of a home can also influence mood, emotions, and overall mental health of its habitants.

For many, cleaning, purging, and organizing are necessary first steps toward creating a space that supports their mental well-being. But what about after the clutter is gone?

That’s when decor and design elements enter the picture and work their magic.

Prioritize Emotional Safety

“The overall feeling of a space—how it’s organized, how clean it is, how comfortable it feels, how personal you make it—all these things can put you at ease and affect how safe you feel in an environment,” interior designer Kristen Fiore said. “When you’re having mental health struggles or are triggered, you want a place that feels safe and comfortable to be who you are.”

Surround Yourself With Friendly Faces

Interior designer Michal Rubin said: “Maybe you want an abundance of frames filled with family members, because surrounding yourself with images of loved ones will make you feel happy and less alone. Or, on the contrary, perhaps frames with family members will negatively affect your mental health. In that case, opt for botanicals and decorative objects.”

Choose Colors Based on Your Ideal Energy Level in a Room

Amber Dunford, a design psychologist and style director at Overstock.com, said: “Consider the energy level you wish to achieve in a space before committing to a color scheme. When contrasting colors are used—especially those with more warmth and saturation—the more energizing [a room] feels. Colors with less variation will give you the opposite effect, creating a more serene and quiet atmosphere—which is especially true for cooler colors.”

Add a Healthy Dose of Nature

“We tend to feel more creative and relaxed when surrounded by plant life, so potted plants can be an especially important element if your windows don’t include views to the outdoors,” Ms. Dunford added.
Potted herbs are another practical addition, she said, and according to a few studies, keeping fake plants—or even just pictures of trees and other greenery—can also make a space feel more calming and reduce stress levels.

Incorporate Visible Wood Grain

“Wood grain has been shown to have a positive impact on lowering our stress levels, while also increasing our well-being and performance levels,” Ms. Dunford said. “This makes a good case for working visible wood grain into your home design. This can be achieved through coffee or side tables, butcher block counters, or your home office desk.”
The good news is that it’s totally fine to achieve that look artificially, using wood veneers, for example.

Factor in Flow

Consider the experience of moving around within and passing through your space. “Lines and curves create visual movement, so experiment with your space, taking your preferred traffic patterns and focal points into consideration,” Noel Gatts, interior designer and HGTV personality, said. “Try pulling some furniture pieces away from the wall to create comfortable gathering areas and more open flow.”

Remember Your Pets

Interior designer Debbe Daley said: “Pet-friendly vignettes are incredibly popular. Having a chair or bench in an office space for your pet to hang out with you offers calmness when working. The ability to be able to take a break, regroup, and spend some petting time with your furry friend significantly assists in the daily stresses of working from home.”

Amplify the Natural Light

Ms. Dunford said: “A quick fix for spaces with limited space or lacking natural light, is to place mirrors on walls across from windows. The light will reflect the view and make your space appear brighter and larger.”

You can also “choose lighter paint colors that reflect light, rather than darker colors that absorb it,” according to interior designer Joshua Smith.

“The same goes for choosing lighter furniture and décor pieces as well,” he said.

Use Artificial Light With Purpose

Mr. Gatts said, “If natural light is scarce, look for bulbs that mimic daylight and choose translucent shades to amplify the light.”
He also said he is a big fan of using dimmers whenever possible, so you have the ability to adjust the light based on your needs and mood—because “mood lightning” is a real thing.

Soften the Space With Textures

“We’re tactile creatures and respond well to soft fabrics and textiles,” Ms. Dunford said. “Using a variety of textures in your space will soften architecture and dampen sound, so adding throws, pillows, rugs, or curtains to a space helps it feel cozy, calm, and inviting.”

Dabble in Dappled Lighting

Lighting can also make a big difference. “Humans prefer to be under dappled lighting, which is the same light you might experience when the sun shines through leaves on a tree,” Ms. Dunford said. “Incorporating elements that replicate this into your home, such as basket-weave light pendants or lamps, can create the same glow as the dappled lighting you’d find in nature.”

Don’t Overthink Everything

At the end of the day, these tips aren’t rules—they’re just ideas the pros (and even some science!) have found to be beneficial for boosting mood and supporting well-being through design and decor. Let them inspire you, not control you.
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