10 Vegan Desserts That Will Make Your Mouth Water

Are you one of those newly-committed vegans and are afraid that your dessert can’t go without any dairy product? To ease your worries we have combined ten of the most delicious vegan desserts that are both diary free and a perfect way to end your summer!
10 Vegan Desserts That Will Make Your Mouth Water
Daksha Devnani

Are you one of those newly-committed vegans and are afraid that your dessert can’t go without any dairy product?  To ease your worries we have combined ten of the most delicious vegan desserts that are both dairy free and a perfect way to end your summer!

1. Coconut Chai Ice Cream

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

Can you imagine the blend of coconut and chai in an icecream? 

Recipe link here

2. Wild Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

Did you know that wild blueberries are high in fiber, low in fat, and are an excellent source of manganese, which is very important for your bone development?

Recipe link here

3. Raspberry-Ginger Parfaits

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

Chilled and refreshing, pureed raspberries cooked with a touch of agave conceal; a handful of diced crystallized ginger at the very bottom, making for a spicy surprise.

Recipe link here

4.  Homemade Vegan Fudgesicles

(Courtesy of Carrie On Living)

These homemade fudgesicles are so delicious and are easy to make, too!

Recipe link here

6. Raw Peppermint Bites

(Courtesy of Carrie On Living)

This dessert is raw in every sense; the cookies are unbaked too. So if you have a last-minute gathering and want to bring a treat, this is the easiest and best dessert option. 

Recipe link here

7. Saffron Cashew Ice Cream

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

A golden saffron scoop is an irresistible concept on the last days of summer. Try this amazing dessert and cool yourself down.

Recipe link here

8. Simple Pomegranate Poached Pears 

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

They’re as delicious as they look! With a juicy fruit filing, they’re sweet enough to satisfy your cravings.

9. Instant Mousse

(Courtesy of BitterSweet)

A two-ingredient mousse and guess what? Its vegan.

Recipe link here.  

10.  Marionberry Ice Cream Pie

(Courtesy of Carrie On Living)

Marrionberries are a cross between Chehalem and Ollallieberry. They are glossy and darker than blackberries and are used to prepare pies, ice creams, jellies, etc.

Recipe link here

*Image of “coconut ice cream“ via shutterstock. 

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