Paul Prezzia

Paul Prezzia received his M.A. in History from the University of Notre Dame in 2012. He now serves as business manager, athletics coach, and Latin teacher at Gregory the Great Academy, and lives in Elmhurst Township, Penn., with his wife and children.


Of Plantains and People

Of Plantains and People

‘Interlopers’: A Story of Hope Beneath the Surface of Despair

‘Interlopers’: A Story of Hope Beneath the Surface of Despair

The Vandalism of Rome: The Empire Is Dead, Long Live the Empire

The Vandalism of Rome: The Empire Is Dead, Long Live the Empire

‘Bartleby the Scrivener’ and Ingratitude

‘Bartleby the Scrivener’ and Ingratitude

The Gift of Work

The Gift of Work

The Price of Truth Is Worth It

The Price of Truth Is Worth It