How to Find and Replace Text in Google Chrome and Firefox (Video)

A browser, as its name implies, is meant for browsing the Web. It is not meant to be used as a text editor. That’s why you seldom find text-editing features like “Find and Replace Text” in the browser. However, there are times where you are writing your blog post, typing a comment, composing emails or moderating forums, and find yourself wanting to replace a couple of words that appear multiple times throughout. This is where a “Find and Replace Text” function is useful. Let’s take a look at how you can add the find and replace feature in Google Chrome and Firefox.
How to Find and Replace Text in Google Chrome and Firefox (Video)
In this photo illustration Google's Chrome, Google Inc.'s new Web browser is displayed on an laptop. (Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)

A browser, as its name implies, is meant for browsing the Web. It is not meant to be used as a text editor. That’s why you seldom find text-editing features like “Find and Replace Text” in the browser.

However, there are times where you are writing your blog post, typing a comment, composing emails or moderating forums, and find yourself wanting to replace a couple of words that appear multiple times throughout. This is where a “Find and Replace Text” function is useful. Let’s take a look at how you can add the find and replace feature in Google Chrome and Firefox.

Search and Replace for Google Chrome

Search and Replace is one of the best find and replace extensions for Google Chrome.

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Using Search and Replace is pretty straight forward, all you have to do is highlight the text and click on the “Search and Replace” icon. In the popup window, the “Search for' field will be populated with the word that you highlighted. You just need to fill in the ”Replace with“ field and click the ”Go” button. That’s all there is to do; Search and Replace will replace all instances of the specified word.

If the word you are replacing is in some sort of text area, don’t forget to select the check box “Input fields only.” Also, if you know how to use regular expressions, you can make use of it in Search and Replace.

FoxReplace for Firefox

FoxReplace is just like Search and Replace but for Firefox. Once installed, restart your Firefox browser and you are good to go. To start using FoxReplace, just press the F8 key and you will be presented with a small toolbar at the bottom of the window. Select the text you want to modify, specify the words to find and replace and hit the button “Replace.” That’s all there is to do.

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Apart from the regular find and replace functionality, you can also automate the work by preconfiguring FoxReplace from its menu. Of course, this is an advanced functionality and is pretty helpful for savvy users such as bloggers. Though this plugin lacks the support for regular expressions for now, FoxReplace supports over fifteen languages which is useful too.

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