8th Grader Spotted Shielding Classmate With Cerebral Palsy From Rain With His Umbrella

8th Grader Spotted Shielding Classmate With Cerebral Palsy From Rain With His Umbrella
Courtesy of Tina Kelley

An eighth-grade student who took it upon himself to shield a classmate, who has cerebral palsy, from rain as he crossed the schoolyard was spotted by the middle school principal. Witnessing the heartwarming act, she snapped a photo and shared it on social media, touching the hearts of their community.

Jerry, who has cerebral palsy and uses a walker, has been a student at Clewiston Middle School (CMS) in South Florida since sixth grade. Lamar, who held an umbrella over Jerry’s head, joined the school in fall 2021 but has already made a big impression on those around him.

Lamar protecting Jerry from the rain with his umbrella. (Courtesy of Tina Kelley)
Lamar protecting Jerry from the rain with his umbrella. Courtesy of Tina Kelley

“It was a rainy November day,” CMS Principal Tina Kelley told The Epoch Times. “Students were changing classes, and I looked up and saw Lamar holding the umbrella over Jerry’s head.

“I thought that it was a perfect picture of kindness, preferring others over yourself,” she explained, “and something that is unfortunately rare during the days we are living in.”

Kelley snapped a picture and posted it on her Facebook page. It “went crazy” with likes and shares, she said, and before long, the image had reached as far as California and New York.
Meanwhile, Jerry’s mother, Norma Escobar, was so touched by Lamar’s gesture that she reposted Kelley’s photo, captioned, “Love this! ... A very powerful picture! This young man’s parents should be very proud! Love seeing how much everyone loves my son, Jerry!”
Escobar told WINK News that she had worried her son would be bullied at school, but the photo of Lamar helping Jerry gave her “a lot of hope.” Jerry himself added, “It really means a lot, because people really don’t do that.”

Principal Kelley, who has known Jerry for years, told The Epoch Times that the young student is smart, kind, fiercely independent, and a great friend to all. Lamar, she said, is already proving himself to be a great young man and a student of compassion.

“He loves to have fun and make others laugh,” she said, “but also has a serious side when it comes to helping others.”

Kelley attributes her photo’s widespread appeal to the fact that people are looking for hope, especially now, in a world filled with turmoil. She also believes nurturing good values in our children is an investment for the future.

“Our kids are the next generation,” she explained. “It is our responsibility to show and teach them compassion and kindness.

“People are our greatest assets, not material things. We must invest in each other, and the next generation, so that goodness and kindness can be seen and generated through us!”

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