Twelve siblings, born to the same parents in Pakistan and now living around the world, have claimed the Guinness World Record for Highest Combined Age. The oldest sibling is 97 years old; the youngest is 75.

The siblings, hailing from the D'Cruz family name, many of whom share birthday months, were born in the following order:
1st Doreen (Sept. 3, 1923), 2nd Patrick (Sept. 30, 1925), 3rd Genevieve (July 4, 1927), 4th Joyce (March 2, 1929), 5th Ronald (Aug. 24, 1930), 6th Beryl (Aug. 26, 1932), 7th Joe (June 1, 1934), 8th Francesca (Sept. 17, 1936), 9th Althea (July 27, 1938), 10th Teresa (June 9, 1940), 11th Rosemarie (March 30, 1943), and 12th Eugenia (Oct. 24, 1945)

“My eldest brother came to Canada first, and then he slowly brought all of us [over] a span of 15 years,” she continued. Eugenia met her husband, Brian, in Calgary. The couple moved to London together, where they tied the knot.
The scattered siblings remain close despite their distance. Eugenia claims that “always try[ing] to forgive and forget, and look[ing] to your siblings for support” is the recipe for a long, healthy relationship.
“We Zoom every day at 11 a.m.,” she added.