When Will Biden Be Held Accountable?

When Will Biden Be Held Accountable?
The Reader's Turn

President Biden called the images of the U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback aggressively handling Haitian migrants “horrible,” vowing that there will be consequences for those involved. The president went on to say those people will pay.

The president needs to look no further than his own mirror to see who is to blame. It was Joe Biden who opened the floodgates at our southern border. During the Trump presidency, U.S immigration policy focused on stopping illegal immigrants from entering our country. The Trump administration had what was known as the “remain in Mexico policy.” Illegal aliens from Central America were also sent back to their country of origin. Illegal aliens seeking asylum could get in line and apply for U.S citizenship. It was the Trump administration who took the security at our southern border seriously. It was Trump that built hundreds of miles of the border wall more than any other president in American history. If I ever hear this horrible president say he is responsible and then immediately throw someone else under the bus, I’m going to scream.

President Biden immediately halted construction on the U.S.–Mexico border wall. By executive order, Mr. Biden reversed all of the Trump administration’s policies on immigration. President Biden sent a clear message telling everyone that our southern border is open. It was the Biden administration that caused this crisis. They own it, and no amount of political spin will change the facts. To this day, President Biden blames Trump for all his failures, and I’m sick of it. Biden wants to hold the overworked Border Patrol agents accountable for his failure. When will Biden be held accountable for his many failures?

Michael Hart


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